True Disciples
Luke 12:49-53
by Edward F. Markquart

I have a favorite quotation which is above my desk in my study. The years have passed, and the paper on which this quotation was written has become old, brown and brittle. I borrowed this quotation from Dietrich Bonhoeffer years ago. Bonhoeffer says in his book, The Cost of Discipleship, "True disciples are always few in number. Do not put your hopes in large numbers for true disciples will always be few." Every once in a while as a pastor, when I get caught up by sin and want to see large crowds on Sunday morning which imply (to the eyes of the world and worldly church) that I am a "successful pastor," I remember that Jesus ultimately found power in a small number of transformed lives rather than in the fickle crowds.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Christ Brings Division, by Edward F. Markquart