Ephesians 6:10-20 · The Armor of God
Battle Stations
Ephesians 6:10-18
by James Merritt

If you are in the military, and especially in the Navy, you will recognize the command "Battle Stations." Whenever a military man hears this he knows to get to his post, lock and load, make sure the safety is off, the trigger is pulled back, and he is ready to fire and ready to fight.

I've already told you that every Christian on earth is at war. We were born at war with God because we are born in sin. But when we lay down our arms at the cross of Jesus Christ in unconditional surrender, God declares peace with us.

When God declares peace with us, the devil declares war on us and we must be permanently at our battle stations from earth to heaven. Now it is one thing to be willing to fight a war, but it's another thing to know how to win it.

You can have the right weapons, you can be in the right place, but if you don't have the right strategy, you will lose the war every time. Paul has told us who our enemy is. He has told us what our weapons are, but now he tells us how to win the war.

I. Start with God's Power

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." (v.10) Now notice he didn't just say be strong, but to "be strong in the Lord." This is not a matter of pumping iron; it's not a matter of lifting weights; it's not a matter of getting on a bow flex; this is a matter of a walk with God. It is not physical exercise. It is spiritual discipline that matters if we are going to be ready and tough soldiers of Jesus Christ. In other words, we are not to fight in our power, we are to fight in God's power.

Very often I have tried to win people to Christ, and probably the number one reason people give me as to why they refuse to accept Christ is because they will say something like this: "There's no need for me to pray that prayer and ask Christ into my heart because I could never live up to it. I could never stay true to God; it is just too hard to live the Christian life."

Well, let me give you some news. The Bible never teaches that it is hard to live the Christian life. The Bible teaches it is impossible. But that is the whole point of being saved. Because once you get saved, God gives you the power to live the Christian life.

Look, if I could live up to what God wanted me to be on my own, I wouldn't need God. If I could live the Christian life under my own power, I wouldn't need God's power. But the fact is, when you give your heart to Jesus Christ, He feels you with His Spirit; He gives you His power; and it is only through that power, and in that power, and by that power, and with that power, that you're able to live the life that God wants you to live.

Now I've got some bad news for you and some good news for you. The bad news is you cannot win this war in your own power. The good news is you don't have to. Because this war is not to be fought in your power. As a matter of fact, you cannot fight Satan in your power, and that is part of the problem that many Christians are having today.

I believe most Christians who even try to put up a fight with Satan, do it in the power of the flesh; do it in the might of their own strength. They try to outfox him, they try to outsmart him, they try to outmaneuver him, and the fact of the matter is, you cannot outfox a serpent, and you cannot outfight a lion. You can only meet Satan and defeat Satan in the power of God. If you are living more in defeat than you are in victory, it is basically and probably because of two reasons.

On the one hand, we fail to realize our deficiency. The reason why many of us don't pray is because deep down we don't really think we need to pray. We think because we're saved and we've got a good job and a steady income, and a healthy family and things are going well at work, we really don't need God. We treat God like someone you call on only in case of an emergency. Isn't it interesting that when you get to the point in your Christian life that you think you are the strongest, you are really the weakest.

Now I want you to listen carefully. There is plenty of room for confidence in the Christian life, but there is no room for pride. The Lord said to Paul in 2 Cor. 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." But then Paul added in verse 10, "For when I am weak, then I am strong." It was when Paul recognized his weakness that he realized his strength.

As you study the great men of God throughout history, you will find they were men who recognized their deficiency. They recognized that without the Lord Jesus Christ they could do nothing. Charles Finney, one of the greatest revival preachers who ever lived, once kept a huge crowd waiting for more than an hour before going to the platform.

When someone finally sought him out to tell him he needed to come to the platform and speak, he heard the voice of Finney crying out behind a closed door: "Lord, I will not go out there unless You go with me."

But we not only fail to realize our deficiency, we then fail to rely on God's sufficiency. In and of ourselves, I've already told you, we do not have the power, the strength, or even the endurance to fight this war and win it. But God does. There is a question in the Bible that says, "Who is sufficient for these things?" Well, God is. We're reminded in 2 Cor. 3:5, "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God."

The problem so often is that God is our last resort, rather than being our first resource. I have to admit sometimes in my own life, I will try everything before I'll try prayer. We'll organize, advertise, publicize, systematize, mobilize, and scrape the bottom of the barrel of our human resources. When we try to do these things we get what men can do, but when you try prayer, you get what God can do. Prayer can do anything that God can do, and God can do anything.

But so many Christians are losing the war because they've never tried God. Now friend, without God you cannot win the war; and with God you cannot lose the war. But many of you are losing because you've never strengthened yourself in His power and in His might. I heard about a little boy that was in the yard trying to move a heavy object. In fact, it was a stove. He was grunting and groaning and struggling and striving and straining, and not getting anywhere. His dad was standing nearby watching him with some amusement. Finally, after the boy was near total exhaustion, he said, "Son, can you not move that obstacle?" He said, "No sir." He said, "Well, have you used all of your strength?" He said, "Yes sir." The dad said, "No you haven't. You haven't asked me yet."

Look again in verse 10 as we are told to fight Satan "in the power of His might." Not the power of our might, not the power of the church's might, not the power of the pastor's might. We're to fight Satan in the power of His might. Now that raises a question. How do you get this power? How do you get this might? How do you become strong in the Lord?

Well, there's only one way you can have power with God; that is you must know God. Daniel 11:32 says, "The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits." See, it doesn't matter how hard you try, how clean you live, how much you do, how careful you are, if you do not know the Lord, and I mean truly know the Lord, know Him on an intimate consistent basis, and you're not growing in the knowledge of God, you are a 97 pound weakling in a 1,000 pound war.

There's only one way that you can get to know God, and it's the same way you get to know anybody; you've got to spend time with them. I say it again, you've got to have that quiet time. You've got to have a devotional life where daily you just get alone and have sweet fellowship with God. Because your quiet time, your devotional life, is not only where you get strength for the battle; it is where the battle is won.

Now I want to warn you of something. Satan will do everything he can to keep you from having that quiet time. Because that is the secret to victory. That is the secret to joy. That is the secret to peace. That's why you must absolutely make that quiet time a priority, in fact, the priority in your Christian life. That is the key to being strengthened in His power.

Charles Spurgeon was probably the greatest preacher who has ever lived since the Apostle Paul. Spurgeon had a time that he would get quiet and alone with God everyday. One day he was having his quiet time with the Lord and a visitor came to see him; in fact, a very important church member.

The maid went to the door and said, "I'm sorry you cannot see Mr. Spurgeon, he's in prayer. The man said, "Would you go tell Mr. Spurgeon that it's very urgent that I see him?"

The maid came back and said, "Mr. Spurgeon said he cannot be disturbed." Finally, the man said, "Would you tell Mr. Spurgeon that a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ is here and needs to see him?" The maid went and Mr. Spurgeon said to her, "Would you go tell the man that though he is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am busy with his Master and therefore I cannot speak to the servant." That is why Charles Spurgeon was such a tremendous soldier of the cross and was victorious in his war.

II. Stay in God's Presence

"…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints " (v.18) Now understand that what comes last is certainly not least. The reason why Paul is going to conclude this passage on spiritual warfare by calling God's people to prayer, is because prayer is the battle. You see, you're not getting ready to fight when you pray. Prayer is the fight. It is in the battlefield of prayer that the war will either be won or it will be lost.

You go all the way back to the garden of Eden. One of my favorite places to visit is the garden of Eden in Israel because it is one of the authentic places that is there that has not been commercialized. There are olive trees in that garden that go all the way back to the time of Christ, and we could actually be looking at the tree where Jesus Christ knelt to pray. But if you remember, as he was facing the greatest battle of his life, he said to even his disciples we must stop and we must pray. You see, really and truly even though Jesus won the battle for sin on the cross, He won His battle for the cross on His knees in prayer in the garden of Gethsemane.

You see, the real shot concerning the war that we are fighting is this. The battlefield is prayer. The war is not fought on your feet; it's fought on your knees. That's why if you are a Christian who never prays, or you rarely pray, or you weakly pray, and I mean that w-e-a-k-l-y. You have surrendered in your war without even firing a shot. It will be a great day when we learn that Satan does not fear our sermons, he does not fear our singing, he does not fear our service, he does not fear our stewardship, but he fears our prayers. If Satan can do only one thing in this church he will keep this church from praying.

Dr. R. A. Torrey, one of the greatest Bible teachers whoever lived, said, "The devil is not afraid of organization, he's only afraid of God. An organization without prayer is organization without God." Satan is not afraid of buildings, budgets, or baptisms. It is prayer that Satan fights, it is prayer that Satan fears, it is prayer that Satan flees. The armor that you put on is worthless unless it is energized by the power of prayer. It is better to have a strong soldier in weak armor, than a weak soldier in strong armor.

Do you know what the great tragedy is about prayer? It is not unanswered prayer, it is unasked prayer. Now you think about this thought. When we pray, the devil cannot keep God from answering, so he tries to keep us from asking.

Now many of you still may not understand why prayer is a battle. But if you will think for just a moment you will realize why prayer is the battle. Who is Satan's war with? Is his war with me or with you? No, Satan's war is with God.

Rev. 12 tells us about a war that once took place in heaven. It was a war that was fought between Satan and God. It was God who threw Satan and one-third of the hosts of heaven out of heaven. It is God that has doomed Satan to an eternal hell. So Satan's war is not primarily with us, it is primarily with God. But Satan knows that he cannot hurt God.

But if you want to hurt someone, and you know you cannot get to them, the next thing you try to do is to harm someone that that person loves, and hurt someone that is close to that person. That is why Satan takes up the war with us and tries to do us harm because he is trying to hurt God in the process. That is the beautiful thing about prayer, because when we pray, we take the battle that Satan is bringing to us, and we throw it back where it belongs; into the hands of God.

David understood that. That's why a little shepherd boy with a slingshot could defeat the largest strongest man in the world with a little rock. The reason why David was willing to fight that giant, and able to defeat that giant, was because he understood something that no one else in the nation of Israel understood. He said in 1 Sam. 17:47, "Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord's…"

When the nation of Israel was surrounded by Assyria, and certain defeat looked imminent. Good King Hezekiah stood up before his people and said, "With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles." (2 Chron. 32:8) God is not interested in your fighting for Him; He wants to do His fighting through you. When you pray, you release the power of God in the battle. A Christian who refuses to pray, is like a soldier who would go into battle with a popgun when he could be using a cannon.

III. Stand for God's Purpose

Three times in this passage we are told to stand. In verse 11 we are told to "stand against the wiles of the devil." In verse 13 "having done all to stand." In verse 14 Paul begins by saying, "Stand therefore…" Now that's a very strange thing. Here you are with the armor on. You're now out of the battlefield of prayer, you're pacing back and forth, you can hardly wait to go on the attack. You're ready to head out into the frontlines and you're just waiting for your marching orders.

Finally, your marching orders arrive. You open up the envelop eagerly and here's what they say: "Stand firm." We're not told to charge, we're not told to attack, we're just told to stand firm. Now you wonder why that is?

Here's why: When you take a stand for God, you won't have to go to the battle, Satan will bring the battle to you. Do you remember in Daniel 3 the magnificent story of those three courageous young men who loved the Lord Jesus named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? A law was passed that everyone in the country would have to bow down and worship the golden image of King Nebuchadnezzar.

Now these three men did not cause a ruckus. They didn't carry on any violent demonstrations. But when everybody else bowed down, all they simply did was stand up. Just because they stood up for God, the battle was brought to them.

One of the greatest reasons our country's in the shape she's in today is because God's people have been bowing down before the gods of this world, instead of standing up for the Lord Jesus Christ. For too long God's people have been sitting silently on the sidelines, instead of standing strongly for the Savior.

God is not looking for Christians who can do spiritual somersaults, jump twenty pews at a time, swing from chandeliers, speak in tongues, perform miracles, or do any of a number of other things. God is simply looking for people who will stand firm and stand up for the Lord Jesus Christ.

A man saw a boy out in the field with a old horse, and he said, "Son, is that a race horse?" He said, "No, sir." He said, "Well, is it a show horse?" He said, "No, sir." He said, "Well, is it a plow horse?" He said, "No, sir." He said, "Well, is it a work horse?" He said, "No, sir." He said, "Well, can he run fast?" He said, "No, sir, but he can stand fast." I tell you, that God is not looking for Christians who can run fast, He is looking for Christians who can stand fast. The issue is not in what a believer has done, but when the battle is over, and the smoke has cleared, the question is, "Is he standing true and standing firm for his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Now you say, "Well, if I stand for the Lord I'll make enemies." You will. But I tell you this, the image you make by taking a firm stand will have more respect for you than the friends you make by straddling the fence. Now there is only one of two things a soldier can do when the battle is raging. He can stand and fight or he can cut and run.

The only reason a soldier ever runs is out of fear. But "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Tim. 1:7) Go back and look over this armor and you will find there is no armor for the back of a Christian, because he is never to run from the devil; he is to stand and resist the devil.

Dr. Paige Patterson is a big game hunter. He's going to Africa this year to hunt what everyone says is, by far and away, the most dangerous animal in the world to hunt, and that is the Cape buffalo. Dr. Patterson told me this week of the most frightening experience he ever had in his life. They came upon a herd of Cape buffalo, and, without warning, this herd began to charge right at Dr. Patterson and his guide. Dr. Patterson said everything in me said to run, but the guide looked at me and said, "Dr. Patterson, if we run we'll die because we cannot outrun them, and they will catch us. Dr. Patterson said his heart was beating almost out of his chest. He said, "What do we do?" The guide said there is only one thing we can do—stand firm, don't move, look them dead in the eye." The guide even got behind Dr. Patterson to make sure that's exactly what he would do.

Dr. Patterson said it was absolutely the most difficult thing he ever had to do in his life. He said since he couldn't run he wanted to close his eyes, but the guide even said, "Don't close your eyes. That will show fear." Dr. Patterson said he had to stand there as straight as an arrow, as still as a tree, and stare those Cape buffalo right in the eye. He said at the last moment those Cape buffalo stopped about ten yards off, stared him down, turned around and walked away.

He said, "I won the victory because God gave me the ability to stand firm." Take your battle stations, stand firm against the Lord, fight Him in the power of His might, let God do battle through you and for you, and you will win the victory.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt