Climb the Mountain Together
Ephesians 6:10-20
by Maxie Dunnam

G. Campbell Morgan was one of the great English preachers and a powerful man of God. As a young seminary student he fell in love with a certain young woman. He was reluctant to propose. He said, "I think God has laid it on my heart to say some radical things to the church. I may not be a success, I may be persecuted. I don't want to drag you into that. In five or six years, perhaps I'll be established, and then I can offer you my hand in marriage." Her immediate reply was, "If I can't climb the mountain with you, I'd be ashamed to meet you at the top."

That says it, but I would adapt the young woman's words for us this morning. If we don't climb the mountain together with courage and perseverance, there will be no meeting at the top.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam