The Poverty in the Christmas Story
Luke 2:1-20
by Edward F. Markquart

The gospel story for today could be entitled, "The Original Christmas Pageant." In both the first two chapters of Luke and in the rest of the gospel, we hear of God's special concern for the poor. Both in the whole gospel of Luke and in the first two chapters of prelude, there is a preoccupation with those who live in poverty.  I would like to suggest to you that the forgotten element of Luke's original Christmas pageant is the theme of poverty and poor people themselves. The poverty of the Christmas story is often the forgotten element.

Dr. Walter Pilgrim's book about the gospel of Luke is entitled, GOOD NEWS FOR THE POOR.  This professor, who is from Pacific Lutheran University and often teaches at our congregation, reminds us that ALL of the characters from Luke's original Christmas pageant were poor people. ALL of them!  The story about the three wise men with their gold, frankincense and myrrh is not a story from the gospel of Luke but from the book of Matthew.  For Luke, ALL the characters in his Christmas play are poor people.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Luke's Original Christmas Pageant, by Edward F. Markquart