Hebrews 11:1-40 · By Faith
Is God Pleased With Me?
Hebrews 11:1-6
by James Merritt

One of the most exciting events in track and field is the relay races. It takes a combination of speed, timing, precision, and teamwork in order for a relay team to be victorious. Now the suspense is much greater than an individual race because in an individual race the fastest person always wins. In a relay race the fastest team can lose if one thing happens - they fail to pass the baton.

Any track coach will tell you that relay races are won or lost not in the sheer speed of the team, but in the transfer of the baton. There is that critical moment when everything can be lost by the slightest miscalculation.

In the 1988 Olympics, the world just assumed that the United States would be victorious in the 400 meter relay because we simply had by far from top to bottom the best team. From the crack of the opening gun, we took the lead and extended the lead through the first three runners. After the last curve, the unthinkable happened. The United States was ahead by ten meters and no one was going to catch them. At the last hand off the impossible happened. They dropped the baton and the fastest team in the world lost not only a gold medal, but any medal because of a dropped baton.

I thought about that when I read something that Dr. James Dobson once said. "According to the Christian values which govern my life, my most important reason for living is to get the baton - The Gospel safely into the hands of my children." [[1]]

I could not agree with him more. I can tell you both as a pastor and as a dad, you will never teach your children a greater lesson than the lesson of having faith in God. I told you last week, nobody can change your life like but God, but even God cannot change your life until you place your faith in Him.

Hebrews 11:6 says, "It's impossible to please God apart from faith." (Hebrews 11:6, MSG) That is an amazing statement. Pleasing God is all wrapped up in - Why we believe in Him, How we believe in Him, and What happens because we believe in Him. I want to answer the question today, "How Can I Please God?" We learned from this passage that we please God in three ways.

I please God when...

I. I Properly Define My Faith

Verse 1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1, NKJ) The word substance comes from a Latin prefix - "Sub" which means "under" and the verb "staré."

Meaning "to stand." The word literally means "something upon which you stand" or "something to stand on." In other words, it is a foundation. Faith in God is foundational to pleasing God. Faith is something that is solid. The New Living translation says it this way, "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen." (Hebrews 11:1, NLT)

Faith sees the future as guaranteed in the present. This is important for you to understand. Faith is not believing something in spite of what you think is true. It is believing something because of what you know is real. Real faith is based on fact although it is different from fact.

There is a difference between fact and faith. It is a fact that you are sitting in these chairs. It is a fact that I am standing here speaking to you, but it is only by faith that I believe any of you are listening to me. The Greek word behind that word substance literally means "a legal guarantee." In other words, faith is the legal guarantee that what God says is going to happen is going to happen. Faith does not say, "One day I'm going to get it." Faith says, "I already have it." Let me give you this illustration. As a Christian, I am not waiting to get into heaven to believe that heaven is there. By faith I know I am going to heaven as if I were already there.

The text goes on to say that faith is, "The evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1b, NKJ) Now the word for evidence literally means, "legal proof." The New International Version says it this way. "Faith is being certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1, NIV) Faith is the legal proof and absolute guarantee of things that we can't even see. This is why faith pleases God because faith sees what the eye cannot see. My eye gives me sight, but faith gives me vision. Faith sees the invisible. Faith hears the inaudible. Faith attempts the impossible.

When Disney World opened in 1972, Walt Disney had already died. His wife was sitting up on the platform as they were dedicating this magnificent theme park. A man leaned over to her and said, "It is a shame that Walt didn't live to see this place." His wife said, "Walt did see it - that is why it is here." The only reason that Walt Disney bought hundreds of thousands of acres of swamp land in the middle of Florida was because he had faith that a theme park could be built there. His flesh saw one thing, but his faith saw another one.

When my flesh looks at the Son, my faith sees Jesus - the Light of the World. When my flesh looks at the clouds, my faith sees Jesus -Coming with the Clouds. When my flesh looks at the stars, my face sees Jesus - the Bright and Morning Star. When my flesh looks at the fields, my face see Jesus - the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon.

Don't ever let anybody make fun of you, because you live by faith. Everybody lives by faith. The unbeliever drinks water out of a faucet everyday believing it is safe. The agnostic drives his automobile downtown to work believing his brakes are going to work. The atheist summits himself to the knife of the surgeon believing the doctor knows what he is doing.

This is exactly why you need to understand there is a big difference between ordinary faith and Bible faith. The quality of faith depends upon the object on which it rests. You can have faith that the water might be good, but it could be poisoned. You can have faith the brakes work, but they might fail. You can have faith a doctor will do a good job, but he could make a mistake. When you put your faith in God, you have put your faith in a God who cannot lie, a God who cannot fail, a God who never changes, a God who never makes a mistake and a God who always gets it right. Real faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. I please God when I define faith properly. I also please God when...

II. I Positively Declare My Faith

Verse 3 tells us, "By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen." (Hebrews 11:3, NLT)

By faith we see the world called into existence by God's word. It is amazing to me that what scientists have taken centuries and volumes to explain - the origin of the universe can be explained in two words - "God Said." Go back to the first chapter of Genesis and you will find eight times the words, "God Said" and every time God spoke, something was created.

God spoke and the universe lit up like a Roman candle. God spoke and mountains began to rise and oceans began to roll. God spoke and suns began to shine, stars began to twinkle and moons began to glow. God spoke and birds began to fly and fish began to swim. God spoke and man began to walk and women began to shop.

The Psalmist said, "The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born." (Psalm 33:6, NLT)

There is no such thing as Mother Nature, but there is such a thing as a Father God, who spoke this world into existence. You can only understand that by faith. Verse 3 goes on to say, "Because of our faith, we also know that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen." (Hebrews 11:3, CEV)

I was invited this past week to go see the University of Georgia practice for their next football game. While they were taking a break, I happened to be standing next to the special teams' players - the kicker, punter and some of the guys that work on special teams. They were talking to the chaplain and they brought up the issue of creation and evolution. They said, "Tell us why we cannot believe the Bible and believe in evolution." The chaplain turned to me and said, "Dr. Merritt, you tell them."

Twelve football players were looking at me with eyes wide open wanting to know what I was going to say. I simply made this statement. You cannot reconcile evolution with what the Bible says, because evolution takes for granted that what is here and now evolved from something that was there then. Evolution has to believe that matter is eternal because even the evolutionists cannot believe that something started from nothing.

One of the players said, "But could God not have created this world through the process of evolution?" I replied, "God can do anything. The only problem is - number one that is not the way the Bible says it happened." As we see here in verse 3, we are told that everything that was created was created out of nothing that previously existed.

Now we learn what real faith is. Real faith believes that everything you can see comes from nothing that you can see. Anybody can take something and through it create something else, but no one except God can take nothing and make something out of it.

Scientists and evolutionists will look at us and laugh and say - but you live in the area of faith and we live in the area of fact. Evolutionists will say, "Where did God come from?" I answer that God never came from anything, that He has just always been. He says, "Can you prove it?" When I say, "No" - He laughs and says, "That's just faith."

I turn and ask the evolutionists, "Where did the universe come from? How did non-living material spontaneously become a living being? Why are there no transitional creatures in the fossil record? How could sight have evolved by blind chance?" The honest evolutionist says, "I don't know." At that point, we both operate in the realm of "I don't know." Here is the difference. The evolutionists call their "I don't know" - science. I call my "I don't know" - faith in a Creator God. The true is both the evolutionist and the creationists require faith in their positions. The question is - which one is based on fact?

Dr. Colin Patterson, the senior paleontologist, at the British Museum of Natural History was delivering a keynote address at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and he made this startling statement.

"One morning I woke up and something had happened in the night and it struck me that I had been working on this stuff for twenty years and there was not one thing I knew about it. That is quite a shock... For the last four weeks, I've tried putting a simple question to various people in groups of people. The question is: "Can you tell me anything you know about evolution, any one thing that is true?" I tried that question on the geology staff at the Field Museum of Natural History and the only answer I got was silence. I tried it on the members of the Evolutionary Morphology Seminar in the University of Chicago, a very prestigious body of evolutionists and all I got there was silence for a long time and eventually one person said, "I do know one thing, it ought not to be taught in high school." [[2]]

I don't deny that it takes faith to believe that God created this world. The next time someone makes fun of that kind of faith, let them know that it takes a lot more faith to believe that all this just happened by chance, than it does to believe that there was a God that created it. I please God when I define faith properly. I please God when I declare faith positively. I also please God when....

III. I Personally Demonstrate My Faith

"Without faith, it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6, NIV) Now think about that. No matter what else you do or how well you do it, if you do not believe God, you will never please God. Life's number one purpose is to please God, because nothing else matters in life if you don't please God. If you please God, it doesn't matter who you displease. If you do displease God, it doesn't matter who you please.

Faith is the sign of a healthy heart. Just as the eye is right when it responds to light and the ear is right when it responds to sound, the heart is right when it responds to God by faith.

The first step in pleasing God is, "You must believe that He is." (Hebrews 11:6a, NKJ) You've got to believe that God is there even though you cannot see Him. You must believe that God is there even though you cannot hear Him. You must believe that God is there even though you cannot feel Him. You must believe that God is there even though you cannot touch Him. In a concentration camp over in Germany, during the Second World War, there was a prisoner who had been there for several years with no hope of release and on his prison wall he had scratched out these words. "I believe in the sun, even though I don't see it shine. I believe in love, even though it is not being shown. I believe in God, even when I don't hear Him speak."

I read a story about a father in the Bahamas whose house was on fire. He rushed out the door only to discover his young son was still trapped in that burning house. It was a two story house. There was no way to go back inside and the little boy was standing at his window sill, only five years old. His father said, "Son, jump and I'll catch you." In that pitch black darkness, the little boy said, "But daddy, I can't see you." The father said, "I know son, but I can see you. Just jump."

Faith comes to God believing that He sees even when we cannot see. He hears even when we cannot hear. He knows even when we do not know.

Faith has its own reward because verse 6 says, "He rewards everyone who searches for Him." (Hebrews 11:6) If you look for a little of God or you look for God just a little, you will get just a little of God. The more of God you seek and the more you seek God, the more you will find God and the more of God you will find.

Can I tell you why faith is so important? It is just this simple. You cannot please God without faith, because you cannot know God without faith. You cannot be saved without knowing God and that is why the greatest lesson you'll ever teach your children and the greatest lesson you'll ever learn yourself is what real faith is, how to get it and how to live it.

In ancient Corinth, they used to stage the forerunner of the modern Olympics called the Isthmian Games. The highlight of those games was the relay race. The competitors lined up side by side at the starting line each bearing a torch. In the distance waited another line of men and still farther on were other lines of men. When the signal was given the men would begin to run bearing their lighted torches. When a runner reached his partner in the next line, he would pass on his light and that man would then go on and pass on the light until the finish line was reached.

Two things were vitally important. First, they could not allow the light to go out and second they could not drop the torch. The Greeks coined a phrase out of that relay race that went like this -"Let those who have the light pass it on."

That is the reason Cross Pointe exists. That we will pass on the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the next generation so that they will in turn pass it to the next generation and we will keep passing the torch until Jesus comes.

[1] James Dobson, A Word To Men And Their Wives, p. 51

[2] Dr. Colin Patterson, keynote address at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, November 5, 1981. Cited by Andrew Schnelling, The Revised Quote Book, p 4.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt