Parable of Staples and Stability
Hebrews 11:1-40

"What is this thing, a gun?" said Billy.

"That is a stapler. Don't you know what a stapler is?" said John.

"No, what is it?"

"It holds papers together like this."

"I would like to have one," said Billy.

"You don't need one," said John.

"Well, I like to hold things together," said Billy.

We all need to be held together by certain forces in our lives. Some people go all to pieces when any dividing force works on them.

Religion plays a role similar to that of the staple. It may go unnoticed but supplies a real cohesive force in binding a couple together and in making for family unity.

When people worship together and when they find a common faith the diversities of life do not destroy their stability. We may all expect to come into contact regularly with forces that would divide and destroy us, but in the strength of love, which religion provides, we find mercy to forgive, patience to persevere and faith to follow in the footsteps of our Saviour.

Without sound religious influence society would crumble and safety would disappear. We may not need a stapling machine, but we all need the stable force of Christian faith.

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