If You are Looking for a Hero...
Hebrews 11:1--12:13
by Robert R. Kopp

Just look at the rap sheets of our heroes. Adam and Eve had bad diets. Moses was a murderer. Samson fell for Delilah. See! David just had to have Bathsheba. See again! Thomas Jefferson could really write about life and liberty while enslaving people. Babe Ruth struck out a lot and not just on the diamond. Mickey Mantle was a drunk. Mike Tyson bit off more than he could chew. Cross-waving Evander Holyfield has six children by six different women. Tiger Woods can't win every week. We could go on and on and on. It's just like Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Every hero becomes at last a bore."

So if you're looking for a hero, I'd turn to God as expressed in Jesus.

CSS Publishing Company, Golf In the Real Kingdom, by Robert R. Kopp