Divided They Fall
Hebrews 11:1-40
by John R. Steward

In Plato's Symposium there is an allegory that imagines the beginning of human beings. The gods created humans in a very unique way. Each human was a mixture of both male and female. In other words, each human had four hands, two noses, four feet, and two mouths. They also had both male and female genitals. Having been created in this way they were extremely powerful. They were so powerful that they became aggressive against the gods. Fearing that they would try to take over, the gods decided that they must punish the humans. They decided that they could not kill the humans, for then there would be no one to worship them. Finally, Zeus decided that humans would continue to live but that they would be cut in half. By cutting them into two parts they would no longer retain the power. Zeus carried out his plan. He cut the humans in two, asking Apollo to help so that the wounds would not be apparent. After this was done the humans were sent separately in different directions into the world. These humans spent the rest of their lives searching for their other halves who could make them whole.

Some today live as if this story is true. Many spend their lives believing that another human being can fill the emptiness in their lives and make them whole. No other human being can make us whole. The songs on the radio are wrong. It will never work. Instead, we should "lay aside" this frivolous pursuit and all the other ones that never truly fulfill and look to Jesus. He is the only one who can satisfy our hunger for wholeness.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, Lectionary Tales For The, by John R. Steward