Rising above the ordinary routine of church life, Paul pens a
majestic letter calling Christians to remember what God has done for
them in Christ and to walk worthy of their calling. Ephesians stands
as an extremely significant and intensely practical book for today’s
claims to be the author of Ephesians (1:1–2; 3:1), and its
authenticity is well attested in the early church. A good portion of
Ephesians is presented in the first person (1:15–18; 3:1–3,
7–8, 13–17; 4:1, 17; 5:32; 6:19–22), including
information related to his prayers, apostolic ministry, and comments
about Tychicus, the letter carrier. In addition, Ephesians seems to
have been quoted by many of the Apostolic Fathers and is included in
early lists of the NT. Since the end of the eighteenth century,
however, some have doubted the Pauline authorship of Ephesians for
the following reasons (accompanied by counterarguments).
1. The
author does not seem to know his audience personally (1:15; 3:2). The
“impersonal nature” of the letter makes better sense,
however, if it was intended for a wider audience (see “Destination”
2. The
language and style of Ephesians do not match Paul’s other
letters (i.e., unique words and phrases, cumbersome sentences). Yet
there are more unique words in Galatians and Philippians, for their
length, than in Ephesians. Paul’s style in this letter is
undoubtedly more reflective, and he may also have used a trusted
secretary (amanuensis), which could account for much of the unusual
3. The
many parallels between Ephesians and Colossians suggest that someone
other than Paul wrote Ephesians as an imitation of Colossians. Yet
parallels are to be expected between two letters sent to the same
area at the same time when one deals with a doctrinal error
(Colossians) and the other aims to prevent the error from spreading
by reflecting on the deep truths of the faith (Ephesians).
4. The
theology of Ephesians differs from his undisputed letters (e.g.,
emphasizing the universal church and deemphasizing justification by
faith and the return of Christ). However, the overall purpose of the
letter and the lack of an impending church crisis make these emphases
fully understandable.
these four arguments against Pauline authorship are to be taken
seriously, the traditional view that Paul wrote Ephesians remains the
preferred option. The explicit statements within the text, the
unanimous support of the early church, the likely use of a secretary,
the absence of a looming crisis, and the overall purpose of the
letter offer good reasons to suppose that Paul wrote Ephesians.
of Origin and Date
was written while Paul was a prisoner (see Eph. 3:1; 4:1; 6:20), but
he had been imprisoned on more than one occasion. The traditional
view locates Paul in Rome under house arrest when he pens the letter
(along with the other Prison Epistles: Colossians, Philemon, and
Philippians). Since Tychicus delivered Ephesians, Colossians, and
likely Philemon, all three letters must have been written from the
same place (Eph. 6:21–22; Col. 4:7–9). Acts 28:30–31
reports that Paul was held captive in Rome for two years, but he
retained limited freedom to meet with people and to minister (Eph.
6:19–20; Phil. 1:12–13; Col. 4:3–4). Luke’s
use of “we” in Acts 28 indicates that he was with Paul in
Rome during that imprisonment (see also Col. 4:14; Philem. 24). Also,
Aristarchus, who traveled with Paul to Rome (Acts 27:2), is mentioned
in two Prison Epistles (Col. 4:10; Philem. 24).
two leading alternatives to Rome for the place of origin are Ephesus
itself and Caesarea. Because of Paul’s comment about fighting
wild beasts in Ephesus (1 Cor. 15:32; cf. 2 Cor. 1:8–11),
some have suggested that Paul was imprisoned there, but there is no
clear evidence to support that theory. On the other hand, Acts does
refer to a lengthy imprisonment for Paul in Caesarea (Acts 24:27).
When Paul writes to Philemon, he requests a guest room for an
upcoming visit (Philem. 22). In Caesarea, however, Paul had appealed
to Caesar and expected a trip to Rome rather than release from prison
(Acts 25:10–11). Overall, the traditional view that Paul wrote
Ephesians from Rome has more support than the alternative views.
the place of origin is Rome, then Paul wrote Ephesians during his
first Roman imprisonment, around AD 60–62. Most likely, Paul
wrote Ephesians about the same time he wrote Colossians and Philemon,
in the early or middle part of that imprisonment.
Ephesians traditionally has been connected to the city of Ephesus,
the words “in Ephesus” (1:1) are absent from some of the
earliest and best Greek manuscripts. The letter itself even suggests
that Paul may have been writing for a wider audience. In spite of
living in Ephesus for several years, Paul mentions no church members
by name (6:21–24), and he makes the awkward comments that he
has “heard about” their faith and love (1:15) and assumes
they have “heard about” how God has used him (3:2; cf.
4:21). Almost certainly Paul intended this general letter to
circulate among several churches in Asia Minor, with each church
“filling in the blank” as the letter was read publicly.
Since Ephesus was the leading city, the letter became associated more
permanently with Ephesus at an early stage. It is also possible that
Ephesians is the “letter from Laodicea” mentioned in Col.
4:16, assuming that Tychicus first delivered the letter to Ephesus,
with instructions to send it on to Laodicea and Colossae.
did not write Ephesians to solve a major problem or deal with any
particular emergency in the church. Instead, he wrote a broadly
reflective letter to help Christians remain strong in their faith. He
had spent almost three years teaching and caring for some of these
people, and he wanted to make sure that they continued to follow
Jesus. Specifically, Paul wanted believers to have a deeper
understanding and experience of three realities: (1) the new
life in Christ; (2) the new community in Christ; (3) the
new walk to which Christ called them.
focuses on the new life experienced in Jesus Christ. The expression
“in Christ” and parallel phrases such as “in the
Lord” or “in him” are found almost forty times in
Ephesians. God will unite and restore all of creation under one Lord,
Jesus Christ (1:10). Paul also stresses the new community through
words such as “unity,” “one,” and
“with/together with” and concepts such as church, body,
temple, and bride. When we are connected to Christ, we are also
connected to a new community. This new community is called to a new
walk that honors Christ, one characterized by love for God and for
and Contents
Letter Opening (1:1–2)
Praise for Spiritual Blessings in Christ (1:3–14)
Prayer for Spiritual Understanding (1:15–23)
New Life in Christ (2:1–10)
New Community in Christ (2:11–22)
Paul’s Unique Role in God’s Plan (3:1–13)
Paul’s Prayer for the New Community (3:14–21)
New Walk in Christ (4:1–6:20)
Walk in unity (4:1–16)
Walk in holiness (4:17–32)
Walk in love (5:1–6)
Walk in light (5:7–14)
Walk carefully (5:15–6:9)
Walk in the Lord’s strength (6:10–20)
Letter Closing (6:21–24)
Letter opening (1:1–2).
The letter opens in typical fashion by naming the author and the
audience before adding a greeting. Paul, an “apostle of Christ
Jesus by the will of God,” writes to God’s people in
Ephesus (and surrounding cities). He greets his readers with “grace
and peace,” themes that appear throughout the letter.
Praise for spiritual blessings in Christ (1:3–14).
Ephesians explodes in adoration and praise: “Praise be to [or
‘blessed be’] the God . . . who has blessed us
. . . with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” God’s
people praise him for their election (1:4–6), for their
redemption and wisdom to understand God’s master plan (1:7–12),
and for sealing them with the Holy Spirit (1:13–14). Each
section ends with a similar phrase, “to the praise of his
glory” (1:6, 12, 14), showing that the triune God in his
essential character (his glory) is worthy of highest praise.
Prayer for spiritual understanding (1:15–23).
After praising God for his blessings, Paul now asks for spiritual
wisdom that his audience might comprehend those blessings (as
described in both the previous section and the rest of the letter).
As the Spirit enlightens their hearts, they come to know the hope of
God’s calling, the glory of God’s inheritance, and the
greatness of God’s power (1:18–19), which was supremely
displayed in Jesus Christ’s resurrection and exaltation
New life in Christ (2:1–10).
Paul now turns his attention to the new life available in Christ
(2:1–10). First, he offers a lengthy description of a person’s
spiritual state without Christ (2:1–3). Second, he explains how
God came to the rescue of such helpless and hopeless people. Moved by
his love and mercy, God has mysteriously allowed believers to
participate in Christ’s death, resurrection, and exaltation
(2:4–6). God’s purpose in saving people was to
demonstrate the “riches of his grace” expressed to us in
Jesus (2:7). There is perhaps no better summary of this salvation
message than 2:8–10: the basis of salvation is God’s
grace, the means of receiving salvation is faith, and the result of
salvation is good works.
New community in Christ (2:11–22).
God not only has given new life to individuals in Christ but also has
created a new community, comprised of both Jews and Gentiles. As
Gentiles, the Ephesians’ condition outside of Christ was
desperate: no Messiah, no connection to God’s people, no
promise of salvation, no hope, and no relationship with God
(2:11–12). But now they have been brought near through Christ’s
sacrifice on the cross (2:13). In Christ, Jews and Gentiles have now
been reconciled to each other in a new spiritual community (2:14–18).
They are full-fledged members of God’s kingdom and God’s
family. What is more, they are even part of God’s holy temple
Paul’s unique role in God’s plan (3:1–13).
After describing God’s strategy to unite Jewish and Gentile
believers in Christ, Paul begins to pray for these believers (3:1).
Almost immediately, however, he breaks off his prayer to explain more
about God’s “secret plan” or “mystery”
and his own role in that plan. Only the grace and power of God could
transform a persecutor of the church into one of the church’s
great leaders (3:2–9). Now God is using his multicultural
church to announce his manifold wisdom to the heavenly powers
(3:10–11). Since God is using Paul to fulfill his purpose, no
one should be discouraged by Paul’s sufferings (3:12–13).
Paul’s prayer for the new community (3:14–21).
Paul now resumes his prayer (3:1) and asks that God may strengthen
believers by the Holy Spirit in their inner being according to his
glorious riches (3:16). They will know the prayer has been answered
when Christ feels at home in their hearts and they experience his
indescribable love more and more. The final purpose of the prayer is
that they be filled with the “fullness of God” or become
like Christ (3:17–19; cf. 4:13). Although it may appear that
Paul has asked for too much, the doxology in 3:20–21 affirms
that God is able to do more than can be imagined.
New walk in Christ (4:1–6:20).
God’s gift of new life and his creation of a new community in
Christ (chaps. 1–3) call for a new walk (chaps. 4–6). The
important Greek word oun (“then, therefore”) in 4:1 marks
a transition from the blessings and privileges of the church (chaps.
1–3) to the conduct and responsibilities of the church (chaps.
4–6). Obedience comes as a response to God’s grace.
Walk in unity (4:1–16).
Believers are urged to live a life (or walk) worthy of their calling
(4:1), and this worthy walk begins by maintaining the unity of the
Spirit (4:3). The triune God perfectly exemplifies a diverse unity
(4:4–6), and Paul suggests in 4:7–13 that diversity
within the body of Christ actually enriches unity. All members are
gifted, but they are gifted in different ways so as to benefit the
body. The goal of unity is full maturity in Christ, resulting in
discernment, truth, edification, and love (4:14–16).
Walk in holiness (4:17–32).
Paul reminds his audience that rather than living like pagans
(4:17–19), they have put off the old self (former life apart
from Christ) and have put on “the new self, created to be like
God in true righteousness and holiness” (4:20–24). Now
they are called to live like the new people that they are in Christ.
Paul offers a list of specific exhortations in 4:25–32 to
illustrate what it means to walk in holiness.
Walk in love (5:1–6).
Along with walking in unity and holiness, believers are called to
walk in love. Positively, this means imitating the Father and loving
sacrificially like the Son (5:1–2). Negatively, this means
refusing to indulge in selfish sensuality (5:3–6). Paul closes
this section by warning that immoral, impure, greedy, idolatrous
people will inherit God’s wrath rather than God’s
Walk in light (5:7–14). Although
believers once lived in darkness, they are now light in the Lord and
should walk as children of light (5:7–9). They need to discern
what pleases the Lord and reject the useless deeds of darkness
(5:10–11a). Instead, they are to expose and transform the
darkness (5:11b–14).
Walk carefully (5:15–6:9).
Paul, using three contrasts, cautions believers to walk carefully:
not as unwise, but as wise (5:15); not as foolish, but with
understanding (5:17); and not getting drunk, but being filled with
the Spirit (5:18). Paul then specifies three results of being filled
with the Spirit: worship, gratitude, and mutual submission (5:19–21).
In 5:22–6:9 Paul explains how this final characteristic (mutual
submission) is applied within the Christian household.
Walk in the Lord’s strength (6:10–20).
Paul concludes with instructions about walking in the Lord’s
strength. Christ has already won the victory over the powers of evil,
but believers should expect continued attacks. Their task is to stand
firm, using God’s armor of truth, righteousness, the gospel of
peace, faith, salvation, and the word of God. Prayer is required to
appropriate the armor of God. Paul began the letter by praying for
his readers (1:15–23); now he asks them to pray that he will
fearlessly declare the mystery of the gospel.
Letter closing (6:21–24).
Paul concludes with a commendation of Tychicus, the letter carrier,
and a benediction of peace, love, and grace.