John 8:31-41 · The Children of Abraham
Don't Believe the Lie about the Truth
John 8:32
by James Merritt

I am convinced that in some ways children are far wiser than adults. Because children at least know that there are certain things that are absolutely true. I recently came across a list of great truths about life that little children have learned and totally believe.

  • No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
  • When your mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair.
  • If your sister hits you, don't hit her back; they always catch the second person.
  • Never ask your three-year old brother to hold a tomato.
  • You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
  • Puppies still have bad breath, even after eating a tic-tac.
  • Never hold a dust buster and a cat at the same time.
  • Never wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
  • You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.

Children are wise enough to believe that some things are absolutely true, but unfortunately adults are becoming an increasingly different matter. For the first time in the history of this nation, we are living in a society that is rejecting the notion of absolute truth. Listen carefully to the next two statements:

There are no absolutes.

All truth is relative.

According to a 1992 Gallup poll, 72% of all adults agreed that: "There is no such thing as absolute truth." Now compare that with the fact that in 1962 a Gallup poll revealed that 84% of adults did believe in the existence of absolute truth.1

What is true in society is also true in the schools. The late professor, Allan Bloom, in his magnificent book, The Closing of the American Mind, made this statement:

There is one thing a professor can be absolutely certain of: Almost every student entering the university believes, or says he believes, that truth is relative. If this belief is put to the test, one can count on the students' reaction: They will be uncomprehending. That anyone should regard the proposition as not self-evident astonishes them as though he were calling into question 2 + 2 = 4.2

Perhaps you have heard about the teacher who said to his class, "You can know nothing for certain."

One student responded, "Teacher, are you sure?"

He said, "I'm certain."

Now that may not surprise you too much either. But the real shocker is not only is this true for society and the schools, but it is becoming increasingly true for the saints. The pollster, George Barna, has discovered that although 88% of people in evangelical churches say the Bible is the infallible word of God, 53% say there is no such thing as absolute truth!

What is even more alarming is that the percentage of youth in our evangelical churches who do not believe in absolute truth, is the same percentage as the youth who do not attend church.3 62% of self-described "born again" Christians, in 1994, rejected the notion of absolute truth, a 10% increase since 1991. In our mainland protestant churches, 78% of members reject the existence of moral absolutes.4

Well, if there is no such thing as truth, the man named Jesus Christ was not only not a great teacher, He was either a liar or a fool. For He said, "For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth." (Jn. 18:37) We must, in our generation, pass on to the next generation the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about the truth. In one single statement the Lord Jesus Christ tells us the truth about truth.

I. There Is a Danger in Attacking the Truth

Charles Colson calls it the cultural crisis of our time. John MacArthur says it is a frontal assault on the very person and character of God. Josh McDowell says it is the last step on the road to anarchy. Pope John Paul II says it is undermining the very foundations of all morality. What are these and other prominent leaders so upset about? The rejection of truth.

Today principled conviction has been replaced by political correctness. Truth has been silenced by the muzzle of tolerance. That is why in the last quarter of the Twentieth Century, America has undergone a moral lobotomy. There was a cartoon in USA Today which had a picture of a young George Washington holding a hatchet in one hand, kneeling next to a felled cherry tree.

In the cartoon he is looking up at his father and saying, "Dad, my teacher says I cannot tell a lie, I cannot tell the truth, and I cannot tell the difference." That is exactly what we have been teaching this present generation.

From the first grade of the classroom to the Ph.D. seminar, tolerance has become the buzz word. Heterosexuals ought to be tolerant of homosexuality. Pro-lifers are to be tolerant of abortion. Christians are to be tolerant of immorality. When we stand for truth, we're called intolerant, arrogant, bigots, zealots, and extremists. Well, I want to say to you unashamedly, the greatest enemy of truth is tolerance.

I am convinced that much of so-called tolerance is simply a cloak for cowardly hypocrisy. There is no room for tolerance in the chemical laboratory. Water is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen; the slightest deviation from that formula is forbidden.

There is no room for tolerance in music. The director will not permit the first violinist to play even so much as one-half note off of the written note chord or key.

There is no room for tolerance in mathematics. Neither geometry, calculus, or trigonometry allows any variation from exact accuracy; the solution of any mathematical problem is either exactly right or it is totally wrong.

There is no room for tolerance in biology. One contradictory result out of a thousand experiments invalidates the entire theory.

There is no room for tolerance on the athletic field. Everyone is expected to play by the rules, and no favoritism is shown to anybody.

There is no room for tolerance in the garage. The mechanic says the piston rings must fit the cylinder walls within one thousandth part of an inch, or your engine is not going to run smoothly.

Yet, we are told that when it comes to morality, righteousness, holiness, and decency, we ought to be "tolerant." Well, I believe when it comes to salvation, heaven, hell, homosexuality, abortion, pornography, obscenity, and right and wrong, the word is not tolerance, the word is truth.

Do you know why people are so anxious to deny the reality of truth? If you denied the reality of truth, you really deny the reality of God. Think about. If something is absolute, it is free from any kind of error, imperfection, or flaw.

To say there are no absolutes, is to say there is no God, because God is the ultimate absolute. Because God in His character and in His being, has no error, no imperfection, no flaw, and no limit. He is the altogether absolute one and only. Therefore to reject any absolute is to reject the supreme absolute.

But furthermore, to deny truth you also deny the word of God. Jesus said that truth is found in God's word, and He said in Jn. 17:17, "Your word is truth." So if you deny truth, you must deny God's word.

Furthermore, if you deny truth, you deny the Son of God. For Jesus Christ said in Jn. 14:6, "I am the way, the Truth, the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me."

Why is all of this so dangerous? When you take away the God of the word, and you take away the word of God, you take away the only objective basis of morality, purity, and holiness. Because without God and the Bible, right and wrong becomes just a matter of personal opinion.

I heard about two men who got into an argument, and they could not settle the matter between themselves, so they both agreed they would go to a very wise man who lived in that town and let him settle the dispute for them.

The next day one of the men went to see this wise man, sat down with him and explained his side of the story. The wise man looked at him and said, "You are exactly right." With a smug and satisfied look, the man left.

The next day the other man came to see the wise man, sat down and shared his side of the story. The wise man looked at him and said, "You are absolutely right." With a smug and satisfied look, this man also got up and left.

The wise man's wife, who had overheard both conversations, came into the room and confronted her husband. She said, "Listen, one man came into this room with one story, another man came into this room with another story, and you told both of them they were right. Now both men cannot be right." The husband looked at his wife and said, "You are absolutely right."

Without God and the Bible, everybody can be right and everybody can be wrong, or nobody can be right and nobody can be wrong. Because right and wrong can only be determined by one thing, and that is truth, and truth is based on God and His word.

You see, in a total relativistic world who can say one creature has greater worth than another. Or even that a human has greater worth than an animal. If there is no absolute truth, it is logical that activists fight for the rights of endangered baby seals, while not blinking an eye at the abortion of unborn babies.5

I want you to remember this principle and never forget it: Behavior is determined by belief. Therefore, when truth goes out the window, so does two other things. First of all, morality. Josh McDowell hired the Barna Research Group to question nearly 4,000 church-going youth from thirteen different evangelical denominations.

The survey revealed that in the previous three months, 66% had lied to a parent, teacher, or another adult; 59% had lied to a friend, and 36% had cheated on an exam. Now connect that dot with this one: 57% of them said they did not believe in absolute truth.6

But the other thing that goes out the window with truth is justice. In a court of law a witness is called upon to swear that he will tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Why? Because without truth there could be no justice, because justice is based on truth.

26. Benjamin Franklin once said, "He who spits in the wind, spits in his own face." Well, whoever denies the reality of truth, is spitting in his own face.

II. There Is a Delight in Affirming Truth

Jesus did not say, "You shall know a truth," He said, "You shall know the truth." Jesus said there is truth you can know, and you can know it absolutely.

Where is this truth found? Remember Jesus said, "Your word is truth." (Jn. 17:17) He said the Bible is the source of ultimate absolute truth. Now the reason why the Bible must be the source of truth is because it is the word of God. The word of God is what God says. What God says is truth. God does not say something because it is true, a thing is true because God says it.

Now because God is eternal, His truth is eternal. Psalm 100:5 says, "His truth endures to all generations." Get this principle down into your heart: Truth that is absolute never becomes obsolete. What was true a million years ago will be true a million years from now.

Homosexuality was wrong two thousand years ago; it will be wrong two thousand years from now. Abortion was murder two thousand years ago; it will be murder two thousand years from now. Adultery was sinful two thousand years ago; it will be sinful two thousand years from now.

Someone has said that truth may be tampered with, tinkered with, re-decorated, and camouflaged, but it will never change.

I read a story of a man who went by to see his old friend who was a music teacher. He said to him, "What's the good news today?" The old teacher was silent as he stood up and walked across the room, picked up a small hammer and struck a tuning fork.

As the note sounded out through the room, he said, "That is A. It is A today; it was capital A five thousand years ago, and it will be capital A ten thousand years from now. The soprano upstairs sings off key; the tenor across the hall flattens out his high notes; the piano downstairs is terribly out of tune." He then struck the note again and said, "But my friend, that is A, always has been, always will be, and that is the good news for today."

Truth may be out of fashion, it may be out of favor, it may be out of friends, but it is never out of date; it is eternal.

But the Lord Jesus not only said that there is absolute truth you can know. He also said you can absolutely know the truth. He said, "You shall know the truth." You see, there is a school of thought today that doesn't necessarily deny truth, it just simply says that nobody can know truth. My question is: What good is truth if you cannot know it? Incidentally, the very statement you cannot know truth, is a truth in itself. So if you cannot know truth, you cannot even know whether that statement is true or not.

The reality is, the God of truth has not only given us the reality of truth, but He has graced us with the ability to know truth. Jesus said in John 16:13, "When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth."

Now why is all of this so important? For this reason: Morality, justice, right and wrong is based on the reality of truth, and the ability to know truth. If something is wrong, it must be because it does not measure up to what is right. But what is right must be based on a standard of unchanging truth, or else no one can determine whether or not it is right or wrong.

I say again that's why there's been such an effort to remove God and the Bible from society and from the school. If you take truth out of life, and God out of life, then you can become your own god that determines your own truth, and you can determine what is right and wrong for you. Then every man can do what is right in his own eyes.

I heard about a man who walked to work every day, and he would always stop at a clockmaker's store. He would synchronize his watch with the clock that stood in the window of the clockmaker's shop. The clockmaker watched this man do this over a period of weeks, and one day struck up a conversation with him, and asked him what kind of work he did.

The man reluctantly admitted that he worked as the timekeeper at the nearby factory, and that his malfunctioning watch made it necessary to be constantly re-adjusted. Since it was his job to ring the closing bell every day at 4:00PM, he would synchronize his watch with the clock in the window to guarantee he was right.

When he told the clockmaker this, the clockmaker threw his head back and began to laugh uncontrollably. He said, "What is so funny?" He said, "I hate to tell you this, but my clock doesn't work very well either, and I've been adjusting it every day to the bell that I hear every afternoon from the factory at four o'clock!"

Now that is a perfect picture of the society in which we live. When you affirm truth, the clock of your life will always be accurate because it will be set by God's eternal timepiece, the word of God, which is never wrong.

III. There Is a Deliverance in Accepting Truth

Now truth is not just for the head. Truth is for the heart. Jesus went on to say, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." I have been talking about absolutes. Did you know that the word absolute comes from two Latin words: the word ab meaning "from" and the word solvere meaning "to set free." So the word "absolute" literally means, "to set free from." That is the purpose of truth—to set us free.

There are many of you listening to this message right now in chains and shackles, but you don't want to admit it. Some of you are in bondage to booze and bitterness. Some of you are lashed to lust. Some of you are locked in the jail of jealousy and the prison of pride. There is only one key that will unlock the door of your heart and set you free, and that is the key of truth.

You see there are four truths that will set you free from any prison you might be in. There is the truth about salvation. The absolute truth is that anybody can be saved by God's grace and their faith. It is a gift and anybody can have it.

There is the truth about sin. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and all need to be saved.

There is the truth about self. You no longer have to be controlled by you. The old you can die and be replaced by you, for "if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. Old things have passed away, all things have become new." (2 Cor. 5:17)

Then there is the truth about Satan. Satan no longer can have dominion over you, for "Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world." (1 Jn. 4:4)

Paul Harvey, the great radio commentator, once told of an experiment involving a chimpanzee, in which scientists were determined to teach it to write and communicate on paper. For fourteen years these scientists labored diligently and patiently with this chimpanzee providing things in its cage to enable it to form certain syllables.

Finally, the day arrived when it seemed that the chimpanzee was actually going to construct a sentence from the symbols it had been learning. Word got out, and scientists flew in from all over the world and gathered around this gage. They watched breathlessly as symbols were formed into words and written into a sentence. At last, the first message from the world's most pampered, most cared for, most patiently trained chimpanzee in history, was about to come forth.

The scientists could hardly contain themselves as they pressed around the gage to read the history-making sentence.

What had the chimpanzee written? These words: "Let me out!"

Well, I can tell you the truth today, and it is this: If you will accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and as your Savior, He will take the key of salvation, unlock the shackles of sin, self, and Satan, and He will set you free. When He sets you free, you will be free indeed. That is the truth.

1 David Moore, The Five Lives of the Century, p. 297.

2 Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind, p. 25.

3 George Barna, The Barna Report: What Americans Believe, (Ventura, California: Regal Books, 1991), pp.292-294.

4 Jeff Hooten, Reclaiming Absolute Truth, Bookstore Journal, November, 1995.

5 Charles Colson, The Body, p. 176.

6 Hooten, p. 66.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt