Deuteronomy 18:14-22 · The Prophet
A Streak of Common Sense
Deuteronomy 18:14-22
by Thomas D. Peterson

When I was growing up my mother often pleaded with me to use common sense. She was evidently convinced I did not have it or else, for some obstinate reason, refused to use it. Perhaps she was right. I was a wool-gatherer, a day-dreamer, off someplace that she did not know or understand. On the other hand, my older brother was evidently a paragon of common sense. I figured this out because she never urged him to use it. He must have been endowed with a suitable supply, for he was an operator and got things done.

The phrase, "Thomas, why don’t you use a little common sense?" still rings in my ear. What is common sense? I have spent much energy and thought on the question; but, the subject is not simple and direct. It is slippery and elusive. What seems to be common sense at first glance is not so upon reflection. Common sense today can become arrant nonsense tomorrow. In these years I have come to feel that two conditions help determine what is genuine common sense. First, a person must think through to the long-range consequences; and, two, the person must keep faith with the daily requirements which must be met to arrive at the desired goal.

A handy illustration is known to us all. The honored story of "The Three Little Pigs" spells it out. Three little pigs left home to make their way in the world. The first found a man

with straw and decided he would make his house out of straw. He would have lots of time to play, because his house could be cheaply and quickly built. The second met a man with twigs. A twig house would allow much time for play. It, too, could be easily made. Their long-range consequence was to play, and the requirement for play was a quick and easy house to build. The third little pig wanted a good, safe house, so he used bricks. Naturally it took longer, and he was not able to play as his brothers.

At last all three houses were built. Along comes a wolf and knocks on the door of the little pig’s straw house. "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." The pig calls back, "Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin." Then the wolf huffs and puffs and blows the house in. The little pig is done for. The wolf goes to the house built of twigs and repeats his request to come in. The pig refuses, so the wolf huffs and puffs and blows the house in. The second little pig is done for. A new long-range consequence had come to pass. Now we have to ask whether the two little pigs showed genuine common sense or not?

Coming to the brick house the wolf calls out, is refused entrance, blows as hard as he can, but the brick house stays safe. Furious, the wolf comes down the chimney only to land in a kettle of boiling water set there for just such an emergency. This little pig achieved the long-range consequence of his common sense - safety. Along the way he paid the price of the daily requirements to make it come to pass - hard work along with planning ahead.

On the surface, common sense would seem to be those qualities which enable us to get the most with the least. It calls for being sharp, clever, and able to manipulate circumstances; but, on reflection, it demands that we at least ponder what might result from different choices. What are the costs of a safe house and remaining free when it’s all over? Is this the consequence a person wishes to receive at the end of great efforts, or might it to be play with abandon? To be in control after one’s project is over demands deep reflection, careful planning, and keeping faith with the daily responsibilities required for the desired result.

The story of Moses and the Israelites speaks to our subject. The people were restless; they were afraid of the voice of the Lord and of the great fire they saw when God appeared to Moses on the mountain. They pleaded with him that this not happen again for fear they would die. God told Moses the people were right. They could die upon hearing his Word or seeing his face. Instead, he would raise up for them a prophet like Moses and put his words in his mouth. By paying heed to the prophet, they will be able to obtain the favor of the Lord.

The prophet God sends will be a true prophet, speaking the word of God. The people therefore must be ready not only to hear but also to pay heed, to obey the teachings of the prophet. What will be the long-range consequences of a true prophet? Nothing less than that the people will live in peace and prosperity with God, enjoying the fruits of his favor. They will have obtained a good, safe house.

Here a streak of common sense comes into our heritage. It was common sense for the people to ask not to hear the voice of God nor see the fire of his presence. God affirmed this. Further, common sense called for them to receive a prophet who would speak the voice of God and guide them into faithfulness. Then they could enjoy the long-range consequences of the covenant relationship. But the question arises: since there are many kinds of prophets, how to tell a true prophet from a false one?

There were prophets like Moses, rigid and demanding, who kept trying to teach the people how to accept and obey the commandments. Then there were the exciting prophets, the soothsayers and shamen - people with flair and sparkle. Dressed in long flowing robes, they cried out in loud stentorian voices, made esoteric gestures, rolled their eyes heavenward, and claimed miraculous and magical powers. The people were mesmerized by them. They had great charisma and were filled with manna. Would not common sense compel people to defer to such prophets? Did they not promise the most for the least? A Golden Calf in the hand is worth a cloud on a hill any day.

Moses was trying to tell the people that such prophets are false. They massage people rather than give a message. They psyche out the weakest dependencies of people and play on their vulnerable superstitions. They titillate the despairing with instant hope. Bizarre prediction, ecstatic dance, promises of extraordinary privilege, and thrilling miracles - these are performances which will surely keep people smugly believing they are special, set apart from all others who cannot enter into the mysteries.

On the contrary, there is the true prophet; but, we have to infer from what Moses said of false prophets just what the true prophet is. He is the one whose prophecies come true because he speaks the Word of God. Since God’s Word always comes true, it is the ultimate long-range consequence and its own guarantee. We might say the long-range consequence is built into the Word itself. I smile at Moses’ definition. He does not tell us what a true prophet is. Rather he tells us what a true prophet is not, "... when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him" (v. 22).

Moses confronted the people at a delicate juncture in the life of the tribe. They were between slavery and what was required of them if they were to inherit the promised land. The outrage of slavery had softened in the passage of time, and the promised land was merely that - a promise. Why not worship a Golden Calf, listen to the thrilling message of magicworkers whose religion had been around for centuries, rather than plod along under the direction of a moral fanatic? It is here that the streak of common sense enters to preserve our faith. A false prophet is one whose prophecies do not come true. Simply, they are not of God. A true prophet, no matter

how pedestrian he may seem, is one whose prophecies will come true, for they are of God.

True prophets spell out the long-range consequences of not obeying God, while they make perfectly clear the daily demands of faithfulness if they are to obtain God’s favor. Thus, the law is not a burden; it is a gift of God to insure the continuance of genuine common sense, if the people truly desire to achieve God’s favor. The favor may be the promised land, eternal life, or freedom to fulfill oneself here and now by living a life justified by faith.

Look at some of the streaks of common sense that show forth from time to time in scripture. (1) "But the Word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it" (Deuteronomy 30:14). Nothing requiring esoteric powers and fantastic mystical side-effects; rather, what you and I and any of God’s people can grasp and do is available to us. The next step: do it! (2) Ezekiel cautions people not to eat on the mountain of false gods ... to commit idolatry. It was on the mountain of the cult gods that all the excitement took place. Instead, he called them not to oppress others, to provide for the hungry, charge no interest, commit no iniquity, execute justice - a streak of common sense at hand for any person. Great trust and power were required to make this prophecy in the face of the magnetic allure of idolatry (Ezekiel 18:4-9). (3) Amos counsels those who cry out for the day of the Lord, expecting great rewards. God does not delight in solemn assemblies with lavish displays of instant generosity and religious fervor. Instead, God calls people to do the law, to live justly with their brothers and sisters, and to love mercy. Another streak of common sense meets the requirements of God’s long-range purposes (Amos 5:18-24). (4) John the Baptizer was central to a major revelation. God was about to bring the traditions of prophecy to a major conclusion. The dove descended on Jesus at John’s baptism and the voice of God made clear that this man Jesus was God’s Son, the very Word itself. Certainly the long-range consequence of the prophetic tradition was about to be fulfilled in a new dimension. Transcendent powers were at work. But, what does John call the people to do? Repent and do works that befit repentance, he calls out. The streak of common sense shines through. He calls them to claim the long-range security with God through repentance and pay heed in daily faithfulness toward this end. We can all understand and do the works John suggests: share a second coat with another when we have two; share food with the hungry; take no money that does not rightfully belong to us; rob no one by violence; and be content with our wages. At the heart of the mighty work God was bringing to be lies a streak of common sense (Luke 3:7-14).

Since long-range consequences mattered greatly, and Jesus was held to be the fulfillment of God’s covenant love, the early Christians identified Jesus as the prophet par excellence. They saw in him the long-range consequences made personal and complete. He must be the one prophesied by Moses. Was he not bringing to closure the long history of prophecy? Jesus drew together the intent of the law, perfecting it in his incarnation. His faithfulness to God and the daily life he lived out brought the covenant relationship into a new form. Thus Jesus met the two conditions of common sense we are considering. He was the coming to be of the long-range consequence of God’s purpose to save, for he was the Word made flesh, concluding in an unexpected way the prophetic tradition. When in Christ, a believer felt justified in his faith, safe in a house not built with hands. Then the believer could turn to do the just requirements of the law. Jesus called people to follow him, to enter into the long-range consequence of God-with-us, and then to go and do what the new covenant relationship required.

How often we cry out for a special instance of God’s favor, a miracle, a sign. If only we could see or hear God, what heroic disciples we would be? Sad to say, we do not receive such experiences on demand. God has not promised us his voice nor the light of his presence on the mountain. Instead, the prophetic voice still speaks to us with its components of common sense,

something we can all grasp. Accept the long-range consequence of God’s Word, namely its incarnation in Jesus Christ, and do the good we can by obeying his word. This is, indeed, good news. When we do not get what we insist we must have from God we are not destitute. We have other resources which God has provided for our safety. God did not leave us helpless, but gave us these traditions as a sign of his covenant faithfulness and love.

Moses spoke good news to his people. Tempted by the Golden Calf and frightened by the prospect of death, they turned to Moses. "Don’t let us hear God’s voice nor see his fire; we will die." God granted their request by promising to raise up a prophet. Moses was already a prophet, speaking the long-range purpose of God to give his people a promised land, and he provided them the commandments by which to pay heed to God and arrive safely in that land. In this streak of common sense the people were enabled to move forward with confidence and effectiveness. The voice of God had come in the law, a gift of God by means of which the covenant relationship could be maintained and safely insured.

Jesus fulfilled the prophetic tradition and the law. He is God’s stated Good News, and comes to us as the Word of God made flesh. In him we meet the grace of God, since he came to be as we are that we might become as he is. In him we have the opportunity to see God-with-us, to hear directly the Word, and to turn and be healed. Strange, in the Old Testament the voice of God is primary, whereas in the New Testament it is God incarnate to be seen. Jesus himself was the medium of communication. The marvel of God’s incarnate presence came forth as the fulfillment of the prophecies, realizing in human form the truths of those who spoke the Word of God.

Receive the Word of God and dwell safely in God’s house, not made with hands.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Gospel Shines Through, The, by Thomas D. Peterson