We Must Speak the Truth
John 16:5-16
by Brett Blair

Henry Augustus Rowland, professor of physics at Johns Hopkins University, was once called as an expert witness at a trial. During cross-examination a lawyer demanded, "What are your qualifications as an expert witness in this case?"

The normally modest and retiring professor replied quietly, "I am the greatest living expert on the subject under discussion." Later a friend well acquainted with Rowland expressed surprise at the professor's uncharacteristic answer. Rowland answered, "Well, what did you expect me to do? I was under oath."

The church must speak the truth, like the Physics professor. We are not the bearers of some of the truth or half the truth. We Christians are the bearers of All the Truth. Jesus is not a way to God he is the way. The Christ is not, as Mohammad said, a prophet. He is God incarnate. Our heavenly Father did not send a representative to earth; he sent his only Son. It may sound arrogant to those outside the church but we can do nothing less. We are under oath. We are His followers bound by what we have heard the Spirit reveal to our hearts and obligated to speak it to the world.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair