Luke 1:39-45 · Mary Visits Elizabeth
Mary: The Handmaiden of the Lord
Luke 1:38-45
by Charley Reeb

This morning I want to tell you how to get blessed by God. We all want God to bless us. This morning I am going to tell how to get that done. How many of you want to be blessed by God? Me too!  

Now when I say blessed I am not talking about the prosperity, name and claim it gospel that’s popular. I am not talking about saying a prayer and having a million dollars in cash show up in a briefcase at your doorstep.

When I say bless I am talking about God showing up in your life in a way that transforms you. I am talking about God showing up to bring you peace, hope, love, joy and wholeness. I am talking about God showing up and filling that hole in your life.

I know sometimes many of us feel cursed instead of blessed. We come to the Christmas season broken and bruised. Some of us have experienced broken relationships, missed opportunities, lost jobs, death of loved ones, and personal struggles and pain.

Then we see Christmas is right around the corner and we crave the peace, hope, love and joy that it promises. We ache for redemption, healing and forgiveness. We long for the light of Christ to pierce our darkness.

The Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote about a childhood ritual of his. Stevenson grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland during the days of the gas lamps.  At night he would sit in his bedroom and look down the dark street that was in front of his house. Night after night he would watch the man walk down the street and light each lamp. Each lamp would have its own area of light and there would be a little area of darkness and then there would be the light from another lamp. 

For Stevenson this was a very fascinating experience to sit there as a young boy and watch the man light the lamps. One night when he was having this experience, he called to his mother and said, “Mother, come see the man who is punching holes in the darkness!”

Maybe you have been craving for something to come along and punch a hole in your darkness. Maybe you have been grasping for anything and everything that will calm your restless spirit, heal your broken heart or soothe the relentless pain in your life. And no matter what you do you can’t penetrate your darkness. You feel hopeless and helpless.

The message I have for you today is going to punch a hole in your darkness. It is going to provide you the way to receive God’s blessing in your life. And I can verify its truth because what I am about to share comes out of my own experience of coming out of the darkness. When I have applied the truth of today’s message it has always brought God’s blessing and light into my life.

So listen closely today because I am about to share with you the way to God’s blessing for your life. God is about to punch a hole in your darkness through the story one of the central figures in the Christmas story: Mary, the mother of Jesus.

We have talked about Mary the last couple of weeks. Most of us are familiar with the story of the angel Gabriel visiting Mary and telling her she would be the mother of Jesus. But often times we skip a key part of the story – when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth. It is in that story that we find the key to God’s blessing in our lives. Let’s take a closer look.

Let’s begin with what the angel Gabriel said to Mary about Elizabeth:

“Your relative Elizabeth is also going to have a son, even though she is old. No one thought she could ever have a baby, but in three months she will have a son. Nothing is impossible for God!” –Luke 1:36-37 (CEV)

Now why does this sound familiar to me? I can tell you that the story of Mary and Elizabeth means more to me and Brandy this Christmas than it ever has! And I can also tell you that Gabriel speaks the truth! Nothing is impossible with God!

Mary responds to Gabriel and says,

“I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said.” And the angel left her. –Luke 1:38 (CEV)

Mary did not question it any more. She accepted it and said, “So be it! Let’s do this!”

Mary’s pregnancy was coming along nicely and Mary’s family decided to throw a baby shower for Mary and her cousin Elizabeth. Well the Bible does not say that. But Mary did go visit Elizabeth to share the joy of being pregnant – Elizabeth in her old age and Mary a virgin, carrying the son of God. They say that pregnant women glow. Can you imagine how much Mary and Elizabeth glowed?

This is what the Bible says about Mary’s visit with Elizabeth:

Mary hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea…where she greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, her baby moved within her. –Luke 1:39-41 (CEV)

Remember Elizabeth was carrying John the Baptist who would prepare the way for Jesus. And when Elizabeth heard Mary call out to her, she felt little Johnnie move within her. Some translations say John “leapt.”

Many of you mothers can relate to the joy of feeling your baby move within you for the first time. It happened to Brandy the other night. We were at the Lightning game, and you know how loud and crazy those games are. Brandy leaned over to me and said “I think Paul likes hockey. He is doing something in there.” I think he was kicking and punching!

Well, Elizabeth and Mary’s meeting was more exciting than a hockey game. The mother of John the Baptist and the mother of Jesus embraced each other. These were two of the most important mothers in history and their encounter was holy and sacred. So holy in fact this is what happened:

The Holy Spirit came upon Elizabeth. Then in a loud voice she said to Mary:

“God has blessed you more than any other woman! He has also blessed the child you will have. Why should the mother of my Lord come to me? As soon as I heard your greeting, my baby became happy and moved within me.” –Luke 1:41-44 (CEV)

Elizabeth was so moved by the Spirit in that encounter with Mary that she began to preach to Mary. John the Baptist could feel the presence of Jesus even in the womb. It was a holy moment and Elizabeth’s words must have been such a joy for Mary to hear.

But it’s the last thing that Elizabeth said to Mary that was the most important. In one powerful sentence Elizabeth reveals to Mary why God chose her to be the mother of Jesus. Ever wondered that? Ever wondered why God chose Mary? You are about to find out. Take a look:

“The Lord has blessed you because you believed that he will keep his promise.” –Luke 1:45 (CEV)

Now notice what Elizabeth did not say. She did not say, “Mary, you are blessed because you come from the right family. Mary, you are blessed because you are beautiful.  Mary, you are blessed because you are intelligent. Mary, you are blessed because you are sophisticated.”  No! She said, “Mary the Lord has blessed you because you believed that God keeps his promises.”

Elizabeth used the word “believed.” Past tense. God chose Mary because she believed God. This means Mary was a strong believer long before Gabriel visited her. She may have been young, but she took God at his word. God saw great faith in Mary and God said, “She’s the one Gabriel. Go visit her.”

Mary was blessed simply because she believed God. She believed nothing was impossible with God. So how do you get blessed by God? How does God come to punch a hole in your darkness? Well, all you have to do is remember three key words: Believing Brings Blessing

It’s that simple. God does not require much. There is but one thing that pleases God beyond measure: When we believe in him. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 that “without faith it is impossible to please God.”

When we begin believing in God and taking God at his word, life begins to open up for us. When we stop trying to control our lives and say, “God, you take it from here,” real life begins. This doesn’t mean life is perfect, but it does mean God will show up in your life when you need him and will empower you with blessings that give your life joy, purpose and meaning.

Mary showed us what belief and faith look like. We talk a big game about having faith and believing in God, but I think we often miss what it really means. You want to know what faith is? Faith means allowing God to work. That’s what Mary did. Take a look at the last thing she said to Gabriel. It is key!

Let it happen as you have said.” And the angel left her. –Luke 1:38 (CEV)

Let. Let! Mary got it. She believed in God and got out of the way. The moment Gabriel knew she understood, he left her. “Yep, she gets it.”

Let is one of the most important words in the Christians faith. Let go and let God. It is a cliché but it is true! And I know there are many of you here today who need to hear this.

All Mary did was believe! She did not create the baby. She carried the baby and the delivered the baby. She let it happen. That is belief. And that is what brings blessing and it is what we so often miss. We over think it. We over do it. We over work it. We are channels, not the source!

God sets things in motion. God creates. God orchestrates. We simply believe and allow. We simply let God have God’s way. You desire God’s blessing in your life? Get out of the way and let God work in your life. Let the Holy Spirit flow unencumbered by your doubts, second thoughts, cynicism, and compulsive sense of control. Believing brings blessing.

This is a lesson I continue to relearn over and over again. A friend of mine and I were recently having a conversation and she said something profound and I was trying to remember all of it. She couldn’t remember it either! Then she said the strangest thing: “Don’t worry. You will remember what you are supposed to remember and you will forget what you are supposed to forget.” Wow!

Imagine having the faith to live that way in all aspects of life. To simply let the flow of God have its way in our lives. Many of us are just one moment of surrender away from the blessing we crave from God. Believing brings blessing.

I know some of you will say, “Charley, isn’t this an excuse not to work, to be lazy.” Well, the only thing worse than laziness, is futility – using up your energy for something worthless, with no purpose. I see that more often than I see laziness.

Believe me, when God wants you to move and act, it will be clear and you will be motivated to do it!

Everything significant that has happened to me in my life, every blessing, every epiphany, every answer to a problem, every pivotal moment has occurred because I let it happen, not because I pushed it to happen!

Think of your own life. When something wonderful happen, it surprised you, didn’t it? Why because you let it happen. Maybe you were not expecting it. Or if you were expecting it, you did not anticipate the timing. God’s blessings flow when we take God at his word, get out of God’s way and let God work in our lives.

What has God promised us? In this advent season God has promised us joy, hope, love and peace. God has promised to punch holes in our darkness with his light. God will move in your life if you let him.

So how does this work in real life? When you get up tomorrow and have to go to work, pay the bills, take the kids to school, how do you “let?” How do you know when to act and when to let? How do you get into place of receiving the blessing God wants to give you?

The answer to that question is revealed in the greatest Christmas carol ever written. Now, think for a moment. What do you think is the greatest Christmas carol ever written?  “Silent Night?” “Joy to the World?” “White Christmas?”  “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?” John Ortberg reminds us that the greatest Christmas carol was written by a Jewish peasant girl named Mary over 2,000 years ago. It is called “The Magnificat.” It is the beautiful song she sings to God right after she meets with Elizabeth. Mary was so moved by Elizabeth’s word she began to sing:

“With all my heart I praise the Lord, and I am glad because of God my Savior. He cares for me, his humble servant. From now on, all people will say God has blessed me. God All-Powerful has done great things for me, and his name is holy.  He always shows mercy to everyone who worships him.” –Luke 1:46-50 (CEV)

Mary goes on to sing about all the great things God has done. In “The Magnificat” all Mary can do is talk about what God has done. Mary is worshipping God.

This teaches us that there is only one way to know how and when to let God move in our life: stay in touch with God. Stay in touch with God daily through worship, prayer and scripture reading. If you are having a difficult time with knowing how to let God bless you, let me ask you, “When was the last time you truly worshipped God?” What are we doing in here but letting God’s Spirit move through our music, preaching and prayers. This is why regular worship attendance is so important. In here you are learning how to let God be present in your life. Millions of people pray the Serenity Prayer, which is based on the Lord’s Prayer. It was written by Reinhold Niebuhr, a great theologian. Many think this is the prayer:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

This is only the beginning of the prayer. Here is the rest of it. Let’s recite it together:

“Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, taking as Jesus did this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to your will so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you forever in the next. Amen.”

That’s where the power is! That’s where your blessing is. Believing brings blessing. Surrender to God and allow God to work in your life. Amen.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by Charley Reeb