Make a Decision
John 11:17-37
by Robert AuBuchon

Ed Young, pastor of the Second Baptist Church of Houston, Texas, tells of one event in his call to the ministry. 

While I attended the University of Alabama, I got away from Bible study and away from the church. I had a friend name Walter Carroll, who was an atheist. He was a good guy, though. One Sunday afternoon he looked at me and said, "Eddie, do you believe there's a God??" I said, "Sure, Walter, I believe there is a God." He said, "You don't live like it." I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "You live just like I do. I'm an atheist. I don't believe there's a God, and I live like there's no God. We're buddies. You do everything I do. You say there is a God, and yet you don't live like there's a God. Don't you know that, if there is a God, if you can get to know Him and live the way He wants you to live, that's the most important thing in life?" 

Ed Young goes on to say, "That was the greatest sermon I have ever heard. God used the mouth of an atheist. I'll never forget it. I couldn't answer. I went to my room, dropped on my knees and said, Lord, I know you're there. I believe Jesus is Your Son. I've gotten away from that? Just lead me. I'm yours."

Do you believe there's a God? The most natural response is "of course!" Our lives, the way we live  - do they support our belief of God? Many of us have wavered between belief and unbelief in both thought and action. It's time to make a decision.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Do You Believe There Is a God?, by Robert AuBuchon