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John 14:15-31 · Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
Help For Troubled Hearts
John 14:15-31
by King Duncan

Nissan Motors once used as its motto: WE ARE DRIVEN! According to Gordon MacDonald that phrase describes many of us. We are driven. Driven to acquire-driven to achieve-driven to be. And this "driven-ness" is taking its toll.

A physician, Dr. Robert Anderson, who has researched the subject of stress extensively, says that he used to think that 35 to 40 percent of the problems he saw in his office were stress induced. Now he thinks it could be as high as 90 percent. These problems include ulcers, stomach disorders, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, back pain, muscle aches as well as a host of psychiatric disorders.

The late Dr. John Schindler wrote sometime back that of 500 people admitted to a clinic, 77 percent were suffering emotionally from what he called the C.D.T.’s, by which he …

Dynamic Preaching, Collected Sermons, by King Duncan

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