Live in the Light
John 14:15-31
by Edward F. Markquart

I love Martin Luther's statement: "Can a rock that has been in the sun light all day not fail to give off warmth and heat at night?" Can a rock that has been in the warmth and heat of the sun light all day not fail to give off warmth and heat at night? Can a Christian who has lived in the sunlight of God's love not fail to give off warmth and love? No. That is why you have to have first things first. You don't say to others, "Start loving each other. Be nice. Be nice. Be nice." No, no, no. First, we need to live in the sunlight of God's love. We need to bake in the sunlight of God's compassion. We need to absorb God's light into us. And then…we start to give off the love. May your light shine on me, God. May your love shine on us, God, so that there will be peace in our family and on the earth.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., The Father is Still Living in Me, by Edward F. Markquart