John 14:23-29
by John M. Braaten

Saying "goodbye" is often hard to do. It always elicits feelings of finality. So we say other things like, "See you!" or "Hope to see you sometime." Most of the time we like quick goodbyes. However, when a loved one leaves there are no formalities. We embrace, sometimes through tears. It is not uncommon to cast out clichés, often with a bit of humor, to lighten the atmosphere. But in the end the word "goodbye" is bound to be spoken.

It's a comforting thought really, because it is a shortened form of "God be with you." In fact the farewell in many languages express the same thing. "The Spanish, adios means 'to God' - meaning that our lives are in his keeping. And vaya con dios means 'go with God.' Benedictions at the close of our worship, are reminders that as we part from one another God goes with each one of us."

Our gospel story this morning is also a time of parting.

CSS Publishing Company , The Greatest Wonder of All, by John M. Braaten