Psalm 119:1-176 · Psalm 119
Follow the Directions
Psalm 119:9, 18, 89
by James Merritt

There is one thing in common with every single person on this planet who has ever been born and who ever will be. It has never been more illustrated than it has in the 21st century. We have an unquenchable thirst and an insatiable appetite for information and communication. We want to know who is doing what and we want to know what people are doing. We’ve never been more saturated with information and more soaked with communication than we are today. From cell phones, to television, to email, to radios, to ipods, to websites, to blogs, to books, to magazines, to newspapers, to movies, to text messages, to face-to-face conversations (which is becoming increasingly rare), we are you might say, drowning in a sea of information. In the middle of this maelstrom of information God still wants to speak to you and to me. The question is “How do we hear His voice?”

Though God is not limited to any one method and He can speak in any way He chooses, without question the primary way He communicates and the way that trumps every other way is through His Word which we call “The Bible.” One of the first things we learn about God in Genesis is that God reveals himself in words. No less than ten times in the opening chapter of Genesis we read, “God said.” The good news is God still speaks today. The bad news is we are not listening.

There are more Bibles in print today than ever before. There are more Bibles in people’s homes today than ever before. Yet, millions and millions of people suffer from spiritual anorexia. They are starving to death from spiritual malnutrition.[1] Our churches are full of biblical illiterates. A survey was given to thousands of people who owned a Bible and these were the results:

  • 82% say the idea of “God helps those who help themselves” is taken directly from the pages of the Bible
  • 63% could not name the Four Gospels
  • 58% could not name half or more of the Ten Commandments
  • 58% did not know Jesus preached the Sermon on The Mount
  • 52% did not know the Book of Jonah was in the Bible
  • 39% did not know Jesus was born in Bethlehem
  • 30% did not know there were twelve Apostles [2]

It reminds me of a Bible study class of young boys and the teacher said, “Who went into the lion’s den and came out unhurt?” The little boy blurted out, “Tarzan!” Of all the charges that God brought against His people, through all the prophets in the Old Testament, there is one in particular that stands out to me. Here is what God said through the Prophet Hosea.

“I wrote for them the many things of my law, but they regarded them as something alien.” (Hosea 8:12, NIV)

The people of Israel had treated God’s Word as an alien. The alien had no home in Israel he had no permanent dwelling place. He was allowed to live there, but he had no voice in the land. If you were an alien you had no say so in the affairs of Israel. You possess no vote. Whatever opinion you might have about any important decision was completely ignored. God said, “You’ve treated my Word like an alien. It has no voice in the way you live your life. You allowed no vote in the decisions you make. When it comes to how you conduct your affairs My Word is ignored.

We are in a series called “In The Zone”. I am convinced that far too many believers and Christ followers live zoned out lives. They don’t open God’s Word to hear from him and they don’t spend much time in prayer talking to Him. Too many have compartmentalized God to simply a Sunday morning weekend experience at a church, if that. For the most part, just like God’s Word they put God on a shelf. We want to help you get “In the Zone.” We want to bring you to a place in your life where you are literally, practicing the presence of God, in your life, on a daily basis. The one thing that is absolutely essential for that to happen is to daily spend time in God’s Word.

It may be the greatest single challenge facing the pastor - even more than getting His people to give, even more than getting His people to come. The greatest challenge may be to simply get His people to read their Bible on a daily basis.

There is a reason why we put the verses of scripture up on the screen and we have debated this. We realize that it may tempt some people to not even bring a Bible since we put the verses up on the screen. I so believe in the power of God’s Word and I so believe in the importance of people reading the Bible for themselves that if the only way they will do it is to put it on a screen, then I am going to do it.

The question is raised, “Why don’t most believers, church attenders, and Christ-followers, read the Bible?” Over five million students from around the United States were asked why they weren’t reading the Bible. Here are the top three reasons they gave and I am sure you fall into one or more of these categories:

  1. I don’t know where to begin
  2. I don’t see its relevance
  3. I don’t know how to find things

We are going to address every one of those issues in this message. I simply want to share with you three ways to just Follow the Directions. Key Take Away: Every time I open God’s Word, God opens His mouth and speaks directly into my life. [Turn to Psalm 119]

I. Direction #1: Appreciate The Bible

The psalmist makes an amazing statement about the Bible. In fact, it is a statement that is made only about the Bible and is not true of any other book that has ever been written or ever will be.

“Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.” (Psalm 119:89)

The word for “stands firm” literally means to be “fixed” or “established.” Jesus put it this way, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” (Matthew 24:35, NIV)

The only book that will be in heaven is the Bible. The only book that will last for all eternity is the Bible. If you have ever read Gone With The Wind and you want to read it you had better read it before you leave this planet, because after you leave it Gone With The Wind will be gone with the wind.

It is the only book that is literally indestructible. I remember reading about the famous atheist, Voltaire, who held up a copy of the Bible and said, “In 50 years I will have this book in the morgue.” Fifty years to the day he was in the morgue and the Geneva Bible Society owned his house and used it as a place to store Bibles.

I want you to appreciate the miracle of this book. I hold in my hand the book written by forty different authors. The first book was written by a man, named Moses, in 1400 B.C. The last book was written by a man, named Paul, around 70 A.D. Here is a book written by 40 different authors over a period of 1500 years in three different languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic) on the three different continents (Asia, Africa, and Europe.)

Yet, those books have been divided into two sections - an Old Testament and a New Testament. The word “testament” literally means “covenant.” A covenant is simply a promise. The old covenant has 39 books and the new covenant has 27 books. Yet, both testaments deal with a different side of the same promise. When you read the Bible completely through you will find that the Old Testament and the New Testament are literally joined at the hip.

Did you know that the New Testament has roughly 300 explicit quotations from the Old Testament and close to 4,000 references to the Old Testament? In fact, the Old Testament makes the promise that someone is coming to deal with the problem of sin. The New Testament says that promise has been fulfilled – someone has come and His name is Jesus. Even though there are a library full of books in this book this book only has one purpose to lead you into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Jesus said in John 5:39, “You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life.”

But even more to the point, the Bible only has one subject and that subject is Jesus Christ. Too many people think you only meet Jesus when you get to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Actually, you meet Jesus from the very first chapter. Don’t take my word for it. After Jesus was raised from the dead He was walking down the road talking to some disciples who did not recognize Him. We read these words, “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.” (Luke 24:27, NIV)

There is still more I could say about the qualities of this book that could fill several sermons. I am just asking you to catch a glimpse of why you ought to appreciate the Bible.

II. Direction #2: Assimilate The Bible

“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” (Psalm 119:18, NIV)

There are treasure troves in God’s Word. There are boxes full of jewels of spiritual truth just waiting to be plucked. God wants us to open our eyes to see where these are. He wants to help us find them. There is one thing you have got to do or else this will never happen. You must read your Bible. I want to say this again, but change a word and add a word. You should read your Bible daily. There is one simply reason for this. There is not a day in your life that you do not need to hear from God. There is not a day in your life that you don’t need to listen to God. Daily Bible reading keeps you tuned in to God’s voice.

One of the instructions that God gave to His kings, if they wanted to be wise and effective rulers, was this prescription:

“When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the priests, who are Levites. It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the LORD his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees.” (Deuteronomy 17:18-19, NIV)

If anybody needs to hear from God it is the ruler of a people. God said to His kings, “I want you to keep a copy of My Word right by your throne. I want you to read it every single day.”

How many of us who claim to believe the Bible “from cover to cover” have never read it cover-to-cover? Did you know if you will read the Bible just 15 minutes a day you will read it completely through in a year? If you were to cut one 30 minute television program out of your calendar and just read the Bible you would read the Bible twice in a year.

Where do you start? We are going to give you a Bible plan that we all are going to read together. (Pastor’s Note: A one-year Bible reading plan is included with your message resources). I would encourage you to not only get started on this plan, but find at least one other person that can be an accountability partner to make sure that you read it together. I realize the easy part is to know where to start. The hard part is, “How do you understand it?” It really is not that difficult.

Step 1: Personalize the Bible

What I mean by that is, “How do you make the Bible personal? How do you get the truth in the Bible, out of the page of the Bible into your heart?” With every text of scripture, simply ask these four questions:

1. What does this passage say?

What you are simply asking at this point is at the time this was written what were the circumstances? Who was being addressed? What was the problem being discussed? Keep in mind whether you are reading a narrative or you are reading poetry or you are reading a song or you are reading some doctrinal teaching that was addressing a certain situation.

2. What does this passage mean?

Now you are simply asking, “What was the author trying to accomplish? What ideas or values was he trying to communicate?”

3. What does this passage mean to me?

“What is the timeless truth? What is the biblical principle that would apply to everybody at all times at all places?”

4. How am I going to respond to what God has just said?

Step 2: Memorize the Bible

I don’t actually mean to memorize the entire Bible, but you should memorize key verses that speak to your heart. They are verses that you know you need to keep in your memory bank. You can do it. We memorize a lot of things: our social security number, other people’s birthdays, stories, jokes, and you can also memorize scripture. There are all kinds of ways to do it. The best way I’ve learned is to get a card, write it down, put it before you and go over it every week until you have it. Why is it important to memorize scripture? You can then take the Bible with you wherever you go even when you don’t have a Bible. God can bring to mind to you certain scriptures that you need to hear at certain points when you need to hear them.

Step 3: Actualize the Bible

That is where I am about to get into my last point. Simply put, you obey it. You do what it tells you to do. I guarantee you when you take these three steps, when you personalize the Bible, memorize the Bible and actualize the Bible it will revolutionize your life. You actualize the Bible with the third step.

III. Direction #3: Apply The Bible

Psalm 119 verse 9 stuck with me as a teenager.

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.” (Psalm 119:9, NIV)

I’ve put great emphasis on reading your Bible, but it is not enough to read it. It is not enough to remember it. You’ve got to reproduce it in your life. It is not enough just to love the Bible. It is not just enough to look at the Bible. You must live the Bible. James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (James 1:22, NIV)

Let me give you an illustration from this one verse of how what I’ve told you to do works. When I read this passage that tells me I am to do the word and not just hear it that raises this question, “What has the final say in my life?” When I am cornered, when I am up against it, when I am forced to face reality, when my back is against the wall, when I’ve got to make a decision as to how I am going to respond or react in a given situation where do I turn?

Let me make it personal. When it comes to establishing a standard for the personal morality you are going to practice, what is your ruler? When you need an ethical compass to find your way out of an ethical jungle how do you determine where North is? When you are on a stormy, churning sea of emotion, which lighthouse do you use to show you where to find the shore? I have found in my own life the Bible really comes alive when I apply it in practical day-to-day situations.

May I tell you one of the saddest things people have said to me in my ministry? They will come up to compliment me on a message I have preached and they will say things like this, “I wish I had heard that when I was younger” or “I wish I had known that before I got married” or “I wish I was aware of that before I entered into that partnership.” Do you know what I want to say to those people? It was all right there before you. You could have known it. You could have had it. You didn’t have to wait on me to tell you.

I heard about a man that loved to study the Bible. Every time he came to something he couldn’t understand he would think about his buddy, Charlie. Charlie was a great Bible student. He would always go to Charlie and say, “Charlie, what does this verse mean?” He would come back again, “Charlie, what does that verse mean?” He would come back again, “Charlie, tell me about this. I don’t understand it.” One day in his quiet time, the Holy Spirit said, “Why don’t you ask me, I am the One who is teaching Charlie.”

God’s truth is just as available to you and open to you as it is to me. We just simply need to appreciate it, assimilate it, and apply it.

Angola has a real problem with starvation and hunger. I recently read where the impoverished people eat a paste like porridge called “funge.” It is kind of like a cross between oatmeal and grits. Although it is very filling, funge has absolutely no nutritional value. Because it takes away the hunger and makes you feel full, people prefer funge over less filling more nutritional foods. You have a population that is physically satisfied, but dangerously malnourished.

That is the church. We fill up on visual, mental, emotional junk food every day and leave no time for the one thing that will nourish our soul, feed our spirit and get us in the zone. Beginning, today, read your Bible and let God speak to you.

[1] Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, p. 186.

[2] Barna Research Group, LTD., 1992.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James Merritt