Warts and All
by Tim Temple

When Oliver Cromwell, the leader of England many years ago, sat for his official portrait, he told them that he wanted it painted, warts and all. That phrase has come to be used many times down through the years to describe truthfulness and reality.

Many times when we read the biography of a famous person, the biographer leaves us with a sense of hopelessness because so often they don’t paint all the warts, and we are left with the feeling that we could never measure up to that person’s life and accomplishments. But the Scripture is not that way; it deals with people’s lives just as they are. Because of that, the Scripture shows us that very often He uses weak, sinful men and women just like us to accomplish His purposes. In fact, if He limited Himself to perfect men and women, He would have to do it all by Himself because He wouldn’t have anyone He could use. Not much would get done.
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Tim Temple