Agree or Disagree
by Staff

A poll for U.S. News and World Report's found that 93% of Americans say they believe in God or a universal spirit. Of those polled, 65% say religion is losing its influence on American life, although 62% say religion is increasing its influence in their personal lives. Other findings:

  • The Bible is the actual word of God to be taken literally, word for word: 34%
  • The Bible is the inspired word of God, but not everything in it can be taken literally: 46%
  • The Bible is an ancient book of legends, history and moral precepts, recorded by man: 16%
  • God is a heavenly father who can be reached by prayers: 76%
  • God is an idea, not a being: 11%
  • God is an impersonal creator: 8%
  • We have to keep church and state completely separate Agree 53%  Disagree 42%
  • There is no one set of values that is right Agree 48% Disagree 44%
  • Each individual must determine what is right or wrong Agree 70% Disagree 25%
  • The president should be a moral and spiritual leader Agree 78% Disagree 17%
  • Our government would be better if policies were more directed by moral values Agree 84%  Disagree 9%
  • Individual freedom is critical to democracy in this country Agree 91% Disagree 4%
  • God is the moral guiding force of American democracy Agree 55% Disagree 35%

Nearly 60% of Americans say they hold their current religious beliefs because of their parents' example. More than 8 of every 10 Americans today believe that it's possible to be a good Christian or Jew even without attending a church or synagogue.

.S. News & World Report, by Staff