John 8:31-41 · The Children of Abraham
Don’t Be a Mama Bear
John 8:31-41
by Thomas Slavens

Race Relations Sunday • Race Relations

Once upon a time there were three bears, a mama bear, a papa bear, and a baby bear. After stirring up their world-renowned porridge, they set off for a walk in the woods. As they returned, they observed marked changes in their home. After appropriate comment, they bounced a blonde into the alley.

The three bears represent three types of people. First, there was papa bear. He was the original, observative type. Throughout the story it was he who had the ideas first. Then there was baby bear. His ideas were not new. He took the ideas of someone else, his father, but he added to them. “Someone has been eating my porridge and they have eaten it all up…. Someone has been sitting in my chair and they have broken it all down…. Someone has been sleeping in my bed -- and there she is!”

Then there was poor mama bear. Did she have any new ideas? Never! Did she ever add anything to thought or action? Never! She only repeated what she heard. Poor mama bear!

Mama bears are among the most dangerous people alive -- those who do not think for themselves but only repeat what they hear. What are the marks of mama bears? Usually they talk in slogans. What do mama bears say?

One thing that mama bears say is ‘‘White Supremacy.” To be sure, some grain of truth can be found in what the mama bears say, even in such ridiculous ideas as white supremacy. Throughout recent history, white people have reigned technologically and economically supreme (too often at the expense of the rest of the world). In order to protect this temporary advantage in the world’s arena, the doctrine of white supremacy evolved. The mama bears picked up the cry and whispered and shouted across the land, “White Supremacy!”

Then the mama bears cry, “America first.” A measure of truth can be found in this cry, too. To be sure, America must be first in our national loyalty. She has the right to expect out of all the nations of the world the first loyalty of her citizens.

But some have misinterpreted this point of view and by “America first” mean “America only.”

These are the people who would have the United States abandon the United Nations, who would abolish the technical assistance program and who would arm the nation to the teeth.

“If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all,” said Jesus. (Mark 9:35b) Only thus will America be first.

Again he said, “you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:32) Those who do not want to be mama bears do well to resolve not to become propaganda tools, not to shout slogans without thinking about the issues and to stand up in a crowd for what is right, even when what is right is unpopular. They should avoid confusion on issues, make sure their evidence is sound and adequate, avoid hasty generalizations, look at both sides of each question and think for themselves.

These words from the Declaration of Independence are still relevant:

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Some people are papa bears with fresh, new insights and ideas for the world. Some are baby bears with few original ideas but with the ability and disposition to make fresh interpretations of what they hear, and to make their contributions. Some will be papa bears; some will be baby bears; but wherever life takes you, whatever you do, don’t be a mama bear.


Everlasting God, who “made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth,” (Acts 17:26a) forgive us for our prejudices as we forgive those who are prejudiced against us. Grant to us love for people of all races and cultures. Strengthen us to withstand criticism and unpopularity when we take a stand for what is right.

We pray for equal opportunities for all people: for housing, schools, public services, employment, justice and all things valuable and necessary to human existence. Strengthen those who take courageous stands on behalf of the persecuted and disenfranchised “minorities.” Shake us from self-sufficiency and easy answers. Help us to submit our wills to Yours, that all of us may come to live the life that is pleasing to You who “made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth;” (Acts 17:26a) through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

C.S.S. Publishing Company, DOORS TO GOD: SPECIAL OCCASION SERMONS, by Thomas Slavens