Hebrews 12:14-29 · Warning Against Refusing God
A Kingdom that Can Not Be Shaken
Hebrews 12:14-29
by King Duncan

Richard Slyhoff, a Pennsylvania man who lived in the late 1800s, never cared about God--at least, during his lifetime. But as he pondered his impending death, Slyhoff became convinced that he would have to face some form of eternal judgement. Did this fear cause him to repent and seek a relationship with God? No. Slyhoff had a better idea. He would hide from God instead.

He dug his burial plot in the shadow of a large boulder. According to Slyhoff’s beliefs, a great earthquake would occur on the day of judgement, and all the dead would rise from their graves. Slyhoff was counting on that earthquake to dislodge the boulder and cover his grave. In this way, he reasoned, on the day of judgement there would be no way he could rise from the dead, and his tomb would be hidden from God’s eyes.

Here’s what is fascinating about this story: Over the years, the boulder hovering ominously above Richard Slyhoff’s grave has shifted. Part of that movement is due to erosion, part is due to a tornado that actually moved it out of place. The boulder no longer hangs over Richard Slyhoff’s grave. When the day of judgement does come for him, as it will for all of us, he will be surprised to discover he no longer has a rock to hide under. (1)

Even if our theology does not exactly match up with Richard Slyhoff’s, most of us would probably like to avoid paying for our sins. And, of course, there is a way--through the cross of Jesus Christ. Even more to the point for today’s discussion, however, all of us would like to find a safe place to stand when the earth begins to shake beneath our feet. In our epistle, the writer of Hebrews speaks of “a kingdom that cannot be shaken . . .” That is what we all want, isn’t it? We want something solid we can hold on to, something that will not deteriorate, something we can count on in good times or bad.

EARTHQUAKES HAPPEN. That’s the first thing we need to see. Earthquakes happen. [Now, admittedly, physical earthquakes don’t happen very often around here.] If we lived in California, things would be different. Californians have seen it all, haven’t they?

A few years ago, after a year that included earthquakes, wildfires, extreme winds, record flooding, and even some funnel clouds, Los Angeles weatherman Fritz Coleman described California like this. He said, “California [is] more than a state, it’s an Acts of God Theme Park.” (2)

California leads the nation in many things, not least of which is earthquakes. People in California know that earthquakes happen.

There is a famous story about Albert Einstein. In March of 1933 he was visiting the Long Beach campus of the University of California. He and a professor from

the Department of Geology were walking across the campus discussing earthquakes. Suddenly, they saw people running out of buildings. Einstein and the professor were puzzled. They had been so busy discussing earthquakes, they had not noticed that one was occurring at that very moment. (3)

So, maybe things are not as bad here as in California. But still, earthquakes happen. I read that South Dakota is the only state that’s never had an earthquake. I guess we could all move to South Dakota.

Earthquakes happen. Perhaps we will never experience a literal, physical earthquake, but we will certainly experience times when our world will be shaken.

Problems in our marriage, perhaps. Dr. William Barker once noted that, since 1688, Lloyd’s of London has underwritten insurance on nearly everything. Lloyd’s was established originally to­ insure losses on ships and cargoes. Through the years, the syndicate has expand­ed to cover nearly every imaginable contingency. Lloyd’s settled claims in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, on the Titanic, and on thousands of less famous disasters. The company has written policies covering pianists’ hands, dancers’ legs, singers’ voices, and actresses’ faces. Coffee crops, space flights--the riskiest ventures have been protected by Lloyd’s underwriters.

But even Lloyd’s of London will not insure a marriage. Think about that. They will not insure a marriage. A wedding, yes. A couple can arrange to make sure the caterer will appear as scheduled, the musicians will perform as planned, and the pho­tographer will take pictures as contracted. All the details of the ceremony may be covered by special policies. But a successful marriage cannot be insured by Lloyd’s or any underwriter anywhere. Only a man and woman making commitments to God and to each other can guarantee a life­long marriage. (4) Quite obviously, many marriages do not survive. There are earthquakes of many kinds.

The loss of a child. That’s an earthquake of unimaginable proportions. Many of us say that we can handle anything life may throw at us except watching our child suffer. And yet many good people--people of faith and commitment--have to deal with this earthquake.

Marriage. Family. There are many other emotional and spiritual earthquakes. Problems with health. Loss of a job. Betrayal by a friend. Things seem to be going along quite smoothly, but then we feel the ground starting to move beneath our feet. And suddenly our whole world is violently shaken. Where shall we turn when such times come?

Some people lose themselves in their work when they feel the ground shaking. Or in some recreation. Or drugs or alcohol. These serve only to mask the hurt and, indeed, may complicate the problem.

Some people reach out to their friends. This can be helpful, particularly to reach out to a friend who shares your faith. It depends on the friend, of course. Some friends, even religious friends, give terrible advice. The best friend simply allows you to express your pain.

Some people try counseling. This is much more productive. Many people have profited from time spent with a professional counselor. That is true whether you are dealing with marital problems or grief or any other problem that is weighing you down.

But still there comes a time when each of these solutions is inadequate. Where do we turn then? We turn, of course, to our faith.

Philip Yancey, in his book REACHING FOR THE INVISIBLE GOD, tells of his father‑in‑law, a Bible teacher and committed Christian. The older man’s faith troubled him in his final years. A degenerative nerve disease confined him to bed, preventing him from sharing in most of the activities he enjoyed. In addition to his own illness, his 39‑year‑old daughter battled a debilitating form of diabetes.

During the most severe crisis, he composed a Christmas letter and mailed it to family members and friends. He expressed his uneasy feelings about many things he had once taught. What could he believe with certainty? The old Bible teacher staked his

faith on three realities. Here is his list: “Life is difficult. God is merciful. Heaven is sure.” Those three things, he concluded, he could count on without reservation! When his daughter died of diabetic complications the week after he sent out this letter, he clung even more closely to those truths. (5)

Life is difficult, said this wise Bible teacher. We know that’s true. That’s what earthquakes are all about. But then he adds the other two realities: God is merciful, and heaven is sure. That’s the testimony of the writer of Hebrews. In our text for the day, he contrasts Mt. Sinai in the Old Testament to Mt. Zion in the New. Mt. Sinai, where Moses received the Law, was a place where God came in power. The response to God’s presence on Mt. Sinai was fear. He described a “mountain . . . burning with fire . . . darkness, gloom and storm . . .” It was a mountain where people were given commandments “they could not bear . . .” Even Moses trembled when he came near the mountain.

But Mt. Zion is an entirely different place. Listen as he describes it:

“But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood . . .”

This is that unshakable kingdom about which he writes. It is life in the presence of God, where there is no fear, but only joy. How do we find ourselves in such a place?

There are two truths that make the kingdom of God accessible to us: The first is the CHARACTER OF GOD and the second is the CROSS OF CHRIST.

WE ARE PART OF AN UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM BECAUSE OF GOD’S GREAT LOVE FOR US. No other religion on earth emphasizes the love of God as does the Christian one. Our unshakeable kingdom is impossible without God’s love.

At the beginning of the 20th century a clergyman named Frank Graeff was suffering from severe illness and depression. He felt that God was very far away. In desperation, he opened his Bible and stumbled on a verse from the book of 1 Peter. He read these words from 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast your care and anxiety on God, for God cares for you.” In that moment, God graciously came near and brought life to Graeff’s difficult circumstances. He still confronted tough times, but he knew with certainty that God walked with him through them. As a response to this encounter with God, Graeff wrote the hymn, “Does Jesus Care?” Listen to the words from the first verse and refrain of this hymn.

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained too deeply for mirth and song;
as burdens press and the cares distress, and the way grows weary and long?
O yes, he cares; I know He cares, His heart is touched by my grief;
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares. (6)

That is God’s character. That’s who God is. God cares about every one of us. God not only sees us in our need, but God’s heart is touched by our need. We do not have a God who is far off from us. Your marriage, your child, your every need--God knows. God cares. We have an unshakable kingdom, first of all, because of God’s character.

AND WE HAVE AN UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM BECAUSE OF CHRIST’S CROSS. “You have come to God,” writes the author of Hebrews, “ . . . to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood . . .”

In 1989, a devastating earthquake tore through the tiny country of Armenia, bringing down homes and buildings and destroying precious infrastructure. Fifty-five thousand people died in the aftermath. But great devastation creates great motivation; God made the human spirit to rise above tragedy with a selflessness that is simply breathtaking.

Out of the tragedy of the Armenian earthquake comes the story of Susanna Petrosyan, a humble mother who sacrificed herself to save her precious child.

According to Associated Press reports, Susanna and her four-year-old daughter were trapped in the debris of their fallen home. As they waited for rescue, Susanna’s heart broke at the sound of her daughter’s cries. The little girl was so thirsty, and Susanna had no way to satisfy her.

“It was then that I remembered that I had my own blood,” writes Susanna.

Using a jagged shard of glass, Susanna slit her own fingers and allowed her daughter to drink some of her blood. For the next eight days, until mother and child were rescued, this was how Susanna sustained the life of her child.

Sustained by her mother’s blood . . . That sounds strangely similar to what we believe about Christ.

Here is the Good News for the day. According to the writer of Hebrews, we are protected by Christ’s own blood, we are sustained by Christ’s own blood, we are brought into reconciliation with God by Christ’s own blood. We don’t need to hide from God and bury ourselves beneath a boulder. God loves us. Christ died for us. Don’t lose hope the next time you feel the earth trembling under your feet, regardless of what that earthquake may be. We are part of an unshakable kingdom. Christ has brought us into the Kingdom of God.

1. Dr. William P. Barker, Editor, Tarbell’s Teacher’s Guide, Sept. 1996-Aug. 1997. (Colorado Springs: David C. Cook).

2. Reader’s Digest, Oct. 2001. p. 132.

3. Robert C. Shannon, 1000 Windows: A Speaker’s Sourcebook of Illustrations, Standard Publishing Company, 1984.

4. Dr. William P. Barker, Tarbell’s Teacher’s Guide, Sept. 1997-Aug. 1998, (Colorado Springs: David C. Cook).

5. Philip Yancey, Reaching for the Invisible God (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 2000).

6. Ken Onstot, http://www.hamblenpres.org/sermon/index.html.

Dynamic Preaching, Dynamic Preaching Third Quarter 2007, by King Duncan