Keep That Light in Your Eyes
John 20:1-18
by David Martin

As Bunyan's Pilgrim felt the forward pull of his journey, the question was put to him by an Evangelist, 'Do you see yonder wicket gate?' He answered, 'No.' Just No. He knew the power of the negative. But then the Evangelist said to him, 'Do you see yonder shining light?' He said, 'I think I do.' Then said the Evangelist, 'Keep that light in your eye, and go directly thereto, so shalt thou then see the Gate ...' That is the message of Easter.

Keep that light in your eye,
and go directly thereto,
So shalt thou then see the Gate.

"Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening into the house and gate of heaven, to enter in that gate and dwell in that house ... in the habitation of thy glory and dominion, world without end, Amen."

Lutterworth Press, Divinity in a Grain of Bread, by David Martin