Showing 51 to 72 of 72 results

Leonard Sweet
What are the marks of an Amen discipleship? How would a Yes spirit manifest itself? The second of a two-part sermon. When your car starts making bad noises _ banging, or whining, or knocking _ you take it in to get its carburetor, or timing, or fan belt adjusted. When some people feel achy or out-of-sorts, they get a chiropractic "adjustment." There are many Christians out there this morning who ...

Gary L. Carver
Create in your minds, if you will, a scene where the people are gathering at a small church for worship. They are drifting in one by one. One man storms in, unaware that his entry is causing a disturbance. He's angry! He's mad! He's fuming! As he sits down, his mind begins to recall the events of the day. Someone he thought was his best friend took an idea of his, lied to him, lied about him, and ...

Cynthia Cowen
She stood peeking out from behind the curtains. As the jogger passed her house, he recalled the hurt she had inflicted upon his mother. At one time she had been the matriarch of the congrega­tion. His memories of her were not fond. He recalled her wicked tongue and the way she used it to cut down others. He never forgot the day she used it against his mother making her cry. That inci­dent caused t...

Luke 6:27-36, Luke 19:1-10
Scott Bryte
He gets shorter every time we tell the story. Sunday school children sing about the "wee little man." Illustrated Bibles and everything from stained-glass windows to coloring books depict a tiny elf of a man, perched bird-like in a tree. "Poor little Zacchaeus." Or maybe "rich little Zacchaeus." Either way we've got a short story about a short man who had to climb a tree to get a good view of the ...

David E. Leininger
Love your enemy? These days? Possible perhaps, but not likely. In fact, we would prefer not to. Especially when we see those television images of the jetliners barreling into the Twin Towers for the thousandth time, when we see the occasional videos of Islamic extremists calling for our eradication, when we see quietly weeping families at the graveside of their young son or daughter killed by terr...

King Duncan
George Jones, one of country music's greatest stars, has lived a troubled life; his drinking and reckless behavior once came close to ruining his career. Probably the lowest point in his career came the night in 1979 when George performed a major concert in Nashville. That night, Jones did the whole concert--a string of hits--in the voice of Donald Duck. Not long afterwards, Jones checked into a r...

King Duncan
If I were to ask you your philosophy of life, could you tell it to me? Most of us don’t think about our life philosophy, the operating set of beliefs that drives our worldview. Our philosophy of life comes out of us in subtle ways: the attitude we wake up with in the morning, how we treat other people, how we approach a new situation, the things we spend our time, energy and money on. It’s worth ...

King Duncan
"Hurting people hurt people," says John Maxwell, and it's true! A father and son walking together in the woods came upon an animal that had been caught in a hunter's trap. The animal was in obvious distress. The son rushed forward to free the animal, but his father stopped him. "Son," he said, "Be careful. A hurt animal will bite those close around--even someone who is trying to help him." What'...

J. Howard Olds
“Some people see things as they are and ask, ‘Why?’ Others dream of things that never were and ask WHY NOT?” Those words of George Bernard Shaw contain the sermon for today. Jesus blew the lid off conventional morality in the 1st century and the 21st century by instructing his followers to ‘Love your enemies.’ The first hearers were shocked by it. Theologians through the ages have tried to explai...

King Duncan
Comedian George Burn's club gave a big dinner in honor of his ninety-fifth birthday. The dais was loaded with talent. One of the first speakers was Irving Brecher, the creator-writer of the popular television show of the fifties, THE LIFE OF RILEY, and the director of many fine movies. Here is what Brecher had to say about Burns: "What is so unusual about our guest of honor this evening is that i...

David J. Kalas
Seven years ago, our family moved from southern Virginia to northeast Wisconsin. As you might expect, spring comes later here. Fall comes earlier. And winter is a much different experience in northeast Wisconsin than it was in southern Virginia. The same temperatures that seemed bone-chilling in Virginia are good reason to leave the mufflers and mittens at home in Wisconsin. Of course, many of the...

William G. Carter
A few years ago, I accepted an invitation to preach in a church in upstate New York. The sermon was based on Matthew’s version of what we have just heard from the Gospel of Luke: “Turn the other cheek. Give to everyone who begs from you. Pray for those who curse you. And love your enemies.” These are nearly impossible words to put into practice, much less hear, and I said as much in my sermon. Jes...

King Duncan
How do you treat your enemies? This is an ancient question, and it is a question that is still relevant to our world today. A little girl came home from Sunday School and asked her father if she could send a note to Osama Bin Laden. “Why him?” asked her startled father. “Because,” said the little girl, “if Mr. Bin Laden got a nice note from a little American girl, maybe he’d think that we’re no...

Charles H. Bayer
I am often uncomfortable when someone tells me they love me. I am not talking about an honest affirmation, but about a critic who has just taken my hide off and concludes the shellacking with an account of her godly affection. "Brother Bayer, you are a rotten, no good, pagan, secular-humanist, but I want you to know that because I am Christian and I love you." Thanks just the same, but I'd rather ...

King Duncan
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT carried a survey last spring about Heaven. This was before the deaths of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. The survey discovered that 87% of Americans believe they, themselves, are likely to go to heaven. Only 79% believed Mother Teresa would. Sixtysix percent believe Oprah will. Sixtyfive percent believe Michael Jordan will. Sixtyone percent believe Colin Powell will. Six...

Luke 6:27-36
Maxie Dunnam
I'm sure you've heard it. I certainly have. In fact, it's often spoken to me. "Preacher, you gave us the whole load today." That's the way I felt as I began to work with our Scripture lesson today. According to Luke, what I read for our text is only a part of a sermon Jesus preached. If you feel overwhelmed as I do with the text, go home and begin at the 17th verse and read the balance of Chapter...

Malachi 3:10, Luke 6:27-42
Billy D. Strayhorn
Years ago I read a story told about Abe Lincoln and his boys. The boys were both crying and a neighbor asked Abe what the problem was. And Abe answered, "The same problem that is wrong with the whole world. I have three walnuts, and each of my boys wants two." That sort of hits the nail on the head doesn't it? And it kind of makes us all want to squirm. We all want more than we've got. We all want...

Malachi 3:10, Luke 6:36-38
Billy D. Strayhorn
I want to read a little book to you by one of my favorite children's authors, Judith Viorst. I have enjoyed her stories and the adventures of Alexander and his brothers. This is another one of those and it's entitled: Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday. (Read the Book out loud) Alexander needs to change doesn't he? He needs a better understanding and stewardship of money. A lot of us are ...

Romans 14:1--15:13, Luke 6:27-36, Luke 6:37-42, Luke 6:43-45
Lori Wagner
“My yoke is easy, my burden light.” --Jesus What burdens are you carrying this morning? How heavy is your heart? How weighed down is your spirit? Most of the time, when we think about that question, we think of the burdens of responsibility we carry or the weight of grief, the sandbags of unfair treatment levied against us, or hardships, such as unemployment, or health, or broken relationships. ...

King Duncan
I have a pop quiz for you this morning. How much money would you say Americans lost to Internet scams and online crime in 2020? Would you believe $4.2 billion? That’s billion—with a “b”! And that’s just in one year’s time. Internet scams are an increasing problem all over the world. (1) If I were to ask for a quick show of hands, how many of you have gotten an email or message on social media tha...

Derl G. Keefer
Author Bob Welch observed that in Les Miserables that the uprising that Victor Hugo observed occurred in June, 1832 as a small Parisian insurrection that lasted only a short time. It was more of a street riot with a tragic outcome. Quoting Hugo, Welch said that the uprising was a defiance against the royalist government of France as a reaction to three problems of the day. First it was a defiance ...

Luke 6:27-38 · Genesis 45:3-11, 15
Lori Wagner
It’s no surprise that God is an “out of the box” thinker, is it? After all, God is the ultimate “outside of the box” God –can’t be confined to a tabernacle, won’t be pleased by a simple sacrifice, definitely won’t tolerate other gods, makes relationships in terms of covenant, creates humankind in God’s own image, gives people more than 1,000 chances to get it right…. and the list goes on. God can’...

Showing 51 to 72 of 72 results