The final book of the Bible is known by its opening line:
“The revelation of Jesus Christ” (1:1 ESV, NRSV, KJV).
This phrase could indicate a “revelation about Jesus Christ”
(the main character), or a “revelation from Jesus Christ”
(the primary giver of the message to John; so NIV), or, as many
believe, some of both.
powerful language and vivid imagery, Revelation presents the
conclusion to God’s grand story of salvation, in which he
defeats evil, reverses the curse of sin, restores creation, and lives
forever among his people. Although the details are often difficult to
understand, the main idea of Revelation is clear: God is in control
and will successfully accomplish his purposes. In the end, God wins.
As a transformative vision, Revelation empowers its readers/listeners
to persevere faithfully in a fallen world until their Lord returns.
and Historical Context
Revelation is best understood in light of its literary genre and its
historical context. The literary genre of Revelation—letter,
prophecy, and apocalyptic literature—explains much of the
strangeness of the book. The entire book is a single letter to seven
churches in Asia Minor (note the letter greeting in 1:4–5 and
the benediction in 22:21). John is commanded to write what he sees
and send it to the seven churches (1:11). A letter to seven churches
is in reality a letter to the whole church, since the number “seven”
symbolizes wholeness or completeness in Revelation. NT letters were
intended to be read aloud to the gathering of Christians, and the
same is true of Revelation. The book opens with a blessing on the one
who reads the letter aloud and on those who listen (1:3) and closes
with a stern warning to anyone (reader or listener) who changes the
book (22:18–19). Like other NT letters, Revelation also
addresses a specific situation. For this reason, any approach to
Revelation that ignores the situation faced by the seven churches
will fail to grasp its central message. Many say that the message of
Revelation extends beyond the first century, but it certainly does
not ignore its first audience.
is also a letter that is prophetic. In both the opening (1:3) and the
closing (22:7, 10, 18–19), the book is described as a
“prophecy” (cf. 19:10). In 22:9 the angel identifies John
as a prophet: “I am a fellow servant with you and with your
fellow prophets.” As a prophetic book in line with OT prophetic
books, Revelation contains both prediction about the future and
proclamation about God’s will for the present, with emphasis
falling on the latter.
Revelation is a prophetic letter that is apocalyptic. In the opening
phrase, “the revelation of Jesus Christ,” the term
“revelation” is a translation of the Greek term
meaning “to unveil” or “to reveal” what has
been hidden. Most believe that apocalyptic literature grew out of
Hebrew prophecy. The OT books of Daniel and Zechariah are often
associated with apocalyptic literature, and there were many Jewish
apocalypses written during the time between the Testaments (e.g.,
1–2 Enoch, 2–3 Baruch, 4 Ezra).
apocalyptic literature there is a revelation from God to some
well-known human figure through a heavenly intermediary. God promises
to intervene in human history, to defeat evil, and to establish his
rightful rule. Such is the case with Revelation, which assumes a
situation where God’s people are threatened by hostile powers.
God is portrayed as sovereign, and he promises to intervene soon to
destroy evil. Through bizarre visions and imagery common to
apocalyptic literature, those who hear Revelation are transported to
another world for much-needed heavenly perspective. As the hearers
move outside their hopeless circumstances and see God winning the war
against evil, their perspective is reshaped, and they are empowered
to persevere faithfully. They are simultaneously called to live holy
and blameless lives as they worship the one, true God.
Along with understanding the literary genre of Revelation, one must
grasp its historical context in order to read the book responsibly.
Revelation itself describes a historical situation where some
Christians are suffering for their faith with the real possibility
that the suffering could become more intense and widespread. John
himself has been exiled to the island of Patmos because of his
witness for Jesus (1:9). Antipas, a Christian in Pergamum, has been
put to death for his faith (2:13). In his message to the church at
Smyrna, Jesus indicates that they should not be surprised by what
they are about to suffer (2:10). The book also includes several
references to pagan powers shedding the blood of God’s people
(6:10; 16:6; 17:6; 18:24; 19:2). Revelation addresses a situation in
which pagan political power has formed a partnership with false
religion. Those who claim to follow Christ are facing mounting
pressure to conform to this ungodly partnership at the expense of
loyalty to Christ.
two primary possibilities for the date of Revelation are a time
shortly after the death of Nero (AD 68–69) or a date near the
end of Domitian’s reign (AD 95). Although there is solid
evidence for both dates, the majority opinion at present favors a
date during the reign of Domitian, when persecution threatened to
spread across the Roman Empire. The imperial cult (i.e., the worship
of the Roman emperor) was a powerful force to be reckoned with
primarily because it united religious, political, social, and
economic elements into a single force. As chapters 2–3
indicate, not every Christian was remaining faithful in this
difficult environment. Some were compromising in order to avoid
religious or economic persecution. Revelation has a pointed message
for those who are standing strong as well as for those who are
compromising, and this central message ties into the overall purpose
of the book.
and Interpretation
overall purpose of Revelation is to comfort those who are facing
persecution and to warn those who are compromising with the world
system. During times of oppression, the righteous suffer and the
wicked seem to prosper. This raises the question “Who is Lord?”
Revelation says that Jesus is Lord in spite of how things appear, and
he will return soon to establish his eternal kingdom. Those facing
persecution find hope through a renewed perspective, and those who
are compromising are warned to repent. Revelation’s goal is to
transform the audience to follow Jesus faithfully.
are five main theories about how Revelation should be interpreted:
preterist, historicist, futurist, idealist, and eclectic. The
preterist theory views Revelation as relating only to the time in
which John lived rather than to any future period. John communicates
to first-century readers how God plans to deliver them from the
wickedness of the Roman Empire. The historicist theory argues that
Revelation gives an overview of the major movements of church history
from the first century until the return of Christ. The futurist
theory claims that most of Revelation (usually chaps. 4–22)
deals with a future time just before the end of history. The idealist
theory maintains that Revelation is a symbolic portrayal of the
ongoing conflict between good and evil. Revelation offers timeless
spiritual truths to encourage Christians of all ages. The eclectic
theory combines the strengths of several of the other theories (e.g.,
a message to the original audience, a timeless spiritual message, and
some future fulfillment), while avoiding their weaknesses.
and Structure
have been many attempts to understand how Revelation is organized.
Some see a threefold structure based on 1:19:
you have seen (past) (1:1–20)
is now (present) (2:1–3:21)
will take place later (future) (4:1–22:21)
see the book organized around seven dramatic scenes with interludes
occurring throughout:
1: Seven Oracles (1:9–3:22)
2: Seven Seals (6:1–17)
3: Seven Trumpets (8:1–9:21)
4: Seven Signs (12:1–14:20)
5: Seven Bowls (16:1–21)
6: Seven Visions (19:1–20:15)
7: Seven Prophecies (21:2–22:17)
following outline provides an overview of Revelation in ten stages:
Introduction (1:1–20)
Messages to the Seven Churches (2:1–3:22)
Vision of the Heavenly Throne Room (4:1–5:14)
Opening of the Seven Seals (6:1–8:1)
Sounding of the Seven Trumpets (8:2–11:19)
The People of God versus the Powers of Evil (12:1–14:20)
Pouring Out of the Seven Bowls (15:1–16:21)
Judgment and Fall of Babylon (17:1–19:5)
God’s Ultimate Victory (19:6–22:5)
Conclusion (22:6–21)
Introduction (1:1–20).
Chapter 1 includes both a prologue (1:1–8) and John’s
commission to write what he sees (1:9–20). John’s vision
focuses on the risen, glorified Christ and his continued presence
among the seven churches.
Messages to the seven churches (2:1–3:22).
Chapters 2–3 contain messages to seven churches of Asia Minor:
Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and
Laodicea. The seven messages follow a similar literary pattern: a
description of Jesus, a commendation, an accusation, an exhortation
coupled with either warning or encouragement, an admonition to
listen, and a promise to those who overcome. These messages reflect
the twin dangers faced by the church: persecution and compromise.
Vision of the heavenly throne room (4:1–5:14).
In chapters 4–5 the scene shifts to the heavenly throne room,
where God reigns in majestic power. All of heaven worships the
Creator and the Lion-Lamb (Jesus), who alone is qualified to open the
scroll because of his sacrificial death.
Opening of the seven seals (6:1–8:1).
The unveiling of God’s ultimate victory formally begins here.
This section begins the first of a series of three judgment visions
(seals, trumpets, and bowls), with seven elements each. When the
sixth seal is opened, the question is asked, “Who can withstand
it?” Chapter 7 provides the answer with its two visions of
God’s people; only those belonging to God can withstand the
outpouring of the Lamb’s wrath.
Sounding of the seven trumpets (8:2–11:19).
The trumpet judgments, patterned after the plagues of Egypt, reveal
God’s judgment upon a wicked world. Again, before the seventh
element in the series, there is an interval with two visions
(10:1–11; 11:1–14) that instruct and encourage God’s
The people of God versus the powers of evil (12:1–14:20).
12 offers the main reason why God’s people face hostility in
this world. They are caught up in the larger conflict between God and
Satan (the dragon). Although Satan was defeated by the death and
resurrection of Christ, he continues to oppose the people of God.
Chapter 13 introduces Satan’s two agents: the beast from the
sea and the beast from the earth. The dragon and the two beasts
constitute an unholy trinity bent on seducing and destroying God’s
people. As another interval, chapter 14 offers a glimpse of the final
future that God has in store for his people. One day the Lamb and his
followers will stand on Mount Zion and sing a new song of redemption.
Pouring out of the seven bowls (15:1–16:21).
The seven golden bowls follow the trumpets and seals as the final
series of seven judgments. As the bowls of God’s wrath are
poured out on an unrepentant world, the plagues are devastating
indicators of God’s anger toward sin and evil. The only
response from the “earth dwellers” (MSG; NIV:
“inhabitants of the earth” [17:2, 8]; this is a common
term in Revelation for unbelievers) is to curse God rather than
repent (16:9, 11, 21).
Judgment and fall of Babylon (17:1–19:5). This
section depicts the death of Babylon, a pagan power said to be “drunk
with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who
bore testimony to Jesus” (17:6). The funeral laments for the
deceased Babylon of chapter 18 give way to a celebration as God’s
people rejoice over Babylon’s downfall (19:1–5).
God’s ultimate victory (19:6–22:5). This
climactic section describes God’s ultimate victory over evil
and the final reward for the people of God. This scene includes the
return of Christ for his bride (19:6–16), Christ’s defeat
of the two beasts and their allies (19:17–21), the binding of
Satan and the millennial reign (20:1–6), the final defeat of
Satan (20:7–10), and the final judgment and the death of death
itself (20:11–15). Chapter 21 features a description of the new
heaven and new earth, where God’s long-standing promise to live
among his people is fully realized.
Conclusion (22:6–21).
Revelation closes with final blessings for those who heed the message
of the book and warnings for those who do not. Jesus’ promise
to return soon is met with John’s prayer, “Come, Lord
Jesus” (22:20).
and Themes
foregoing outlines are helpful for understanding Revelation, but
perhaps an even better way to grasp the message of the book is to
look closely at its main characters and story line. The following
seven themes capture the overall theological message of this dynamic
prophetic-apocalyptic letter.
Revelation presents God as a central character in the story. He is
sovereign and firmly in control of history, as his description from
1:4–8 suggests: “the Alpha and the Omega” (the
beginning and the end), “the one who is, and who was, and who
is to come” (God of the past, the present, and the future), and
“the Lord God, . . . the Almighty” (ruler over
the universe). The throne room vision of chapters 4–5 also
clearly asserts God’s sovereign rule. The throne of God itself
stands as a central symbol in the book, representing God’s
sovereignty over all things. As a main character, God rightly
receives worship. He is worshiped because he is the creator (e.g.,
4:11; 14:7) and the righteous judge who condemns evil and vindicates
his people (15:3–4; 16:5–7; 19:1–2). Revelation
also describes God as one who desires to be fully and intimately
present with his people. God cares for and protects his people (e.g.,
7:2–3; 14:1; 21:4). As the book closes, God announces the
fulfillment of his long-standing promise to live among his people
(21:6–7; cf. Exod. 29:45–46; Lev. 26:11–12). God’s
children have unhindered access to their loving Father as they serve
him, see his face, and bear his name—all in his presence
God’s enemies.
Although God reigns supreme, he has enemies who oppose him and his
people. As God’s chief enemy, Satan (also known as the dragon,
the devil, the serpent, the accuser) works through worldly systems
with the intent of thwarting God’s plan. Chapter 12 summarizes
this cosmic conflict. In that scene, God defeats the dragon, who then
turns his anger against the woman and the rest of her offspring. The
dragon’s evil partners include the beast from the sea
(traditionally called the “antichrist”) and the beast
from the earth (the “false prophet”). The first beast
often has been identified with Rome, the dominant pagan power in the
first century, although the reference likely extends beyond Rome to
any political-economic power that demands absolute allegiance (see
13:1–8; 19:19–20; 20:10). The second beast uses
miraculous signs to deceive people into worshiping the first beast.
This opponent represents religious power organized in support of the
first beast (13:11–18; 19:20; 20:10). The dragon, the beast
from the sea, and the false prophet constitute the unholy trinity.
God’s enemies also include people (usually called the
“inhabitants of the earth”) who follow the beast (13:8,
12), indulge in the ways of this world (17:2), and persecute
believers (6:10; 11:10).
The Lamb of God. Jesus,
the Lamb of God, plays a central role in God’s redemptive plan.
In Revelation the Lamb is clearly identified as a divine figure who
shares in the authority, glory, and worship reserved for God (5:6,
9–14; 7:10, 17; 12:10; 21:22–23; 22:1, 3). Expressions
that refer to God are also used of Jesus, thereby affirming Jesus’
deity (e.g., “Alpha and Omega,” “Lord” [see
also 1:4–5]). Revelation highlights the Lamb’s
sacrificial death as the key to his victory over evil, paradoxical
though it may be (1:5, 18; 5:9). As the slaughtered yet risen Lamb
(1:17–18), Jesus is able to identify with his suffering people
(1:9; 12:17; 20:4). The Lamb promises to return as the warrior-judge
to defeat God’s enemies and rescue God’s people (1:7;
3:11; 16:15; 19:11–21). The famous battle with the forces of
evil is recorded in 19:20: “But the beast was captured, and
with it the false prophet.” The two beasts are then condemned
to the lake of fire, and their followers become the banquet meal for
the birds of prey.
God’s people.
The people of God figure prominently in the book of Revelation. John
uses a variety of terms and images to portray God’s people
(e.g., church, saints, great multitude, bride of the Lamb, new
Jerusalem). These people have been redeemed by the Lamb, and they
continue to rely upon his sacrificial death in spite of opposition
(1:5; 5:9; 14:3–4). They are a genuinely multicultural people,
as indicated by the seven uses of a fourfold formula: every “tribe,
language, people, and nation” (5:9; 7:9; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; cf.
17:15). They are also a persecuted people (1:9; 2:9–10; 7:14;
11:9–10; 12:10; 13:16–17) and at times even a martyred
people (6:9–11; 16:6; 17:6; 18:24; 19:2; 20:4). Throughout
Revelation, God’s people are characterized as those who obey
the commandments of God (1:2, 9; 6:9; 12:17; 14:12; 20:4; 22:9) and
who hold fast to the testimony of Jesus (1:2, 9; 6:9; 12:17; 19:10;
20:4). They are a tempted people who are warned throughout the book
to endure in faith (13:10; 14:12; 18:4). Like their Savior, they
conquer evil by holding fast to their confession even to the point of
death (12:11).
God’s judgment.
God’s judgment of evil plays a crucial role in the book. The
central section of Revelation contains three series of seven
judgments: the seals (6:1–8:1), the trumpets (8:2–11:19),
and the bowls (15:1–16:21). God sends these plagues on his
enemies to demonstrate his power and to vindicate his people. These
images of judgment also encourage repentance and remind people that
God will win the battle against evil. Using two images of
judgment—the grain harvest (14:14–16) and the winepress
(14:17–20)—chapter 14 presents a clear choice: fear and
glorify God (14:7) or face God’s inescapable and eternal
judgment (14:11, 19). God’s final judgment on “Babylon
the great, the mother of prostitutes” is reported in 17:1–19:6.
Babylon represents the worldly system that has blasphemed God and
persecuted his people. God’s final judgment of the satanic
trinity, their followers, and death itself is described in 19:11–21;
20:7–15. Evil has been destroyed, preparing the way for the
restoration of creation.
The paradise of God.
The story culminates in God’s ultimate restoration of his
people and his creation—the paradise of God. What God began to
do in Gen. 1–2 he now completes in Rev. 21–22. The river
of life replaces the sea. The tree of life supplies food for all.
God’s throne as a symbol of God’s sovereign rule over all
reality serves as the source of life. God has kept his promise to
conquer his enemies, vindicate his people, and restore his creation.
The Abrahamic covenant of Gen. 12, that God would bless “all
peoples on earth” (v. 3), is fulfilled as the tree of life
provides healing for the nations (Rev. 22:2). The new heaven and new
earth is identified primarily as the place where God lives among his
people (22:4). In the paradise of God there will be no more Satan or
sin or death or evil of any kind. God’s people will bask in his
glory and respond in worship.
The present struggle.
A final theme of Revelation is the believer’s struggle to live
out God’s story in the present. The Lamb’s followers rely
upon the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus for their victory,
but they continue to live in enemy territory. They long for the new
heaven and new earth, but they must wage war in the present against
the forces of evil. Jesus challenges the seven churches to “overcome”
or “conquer,” a requirement for inheriting his promises
of eternal life, provision, justice, victory, and the presence of God
(21:7). A voice from heaven summarizes what it means to overcome:
“They [Christians] triumphed over him [Satan] by the blood of
the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their
lives so much as to shrink from death” (12:11).
triumph in the same way that Jesus triumphed: victory through
faithfulness, even if it includes suffering. This calls for rejecting
false teaching, resisting idolatry, living righteously, and refusing
to compromise. Triumphing includes authentic faith that results in
obedience to Jesus. Above all, to triumph or overcome means to follow
the Lamb.
seven themes of Revelation reveal how the book offers hope to those
who are suffering for the cause of Christ and warning to those who
are compromising with the world. Revelation presents the final
chapter in God’s grand plan to defeat evil, reverse the curse
of sin, transform creation, and live forever among his people. For
first-century readers or twenty-first-century readers, Revelation
offers a dramatic and empowering vision of what it means to follow