A Palace in Heaven
Luke 12:32-40
by Richard J. Fairchild

There is a legend from the first century about the disciple Thomas who was sent by Christ to India.

Thomas was employed by the local king Gundaphorus to build a new palace, and he was given money to buy materials and hire workmen. Thomas gave the money to the poor, but always assured the king that his palace was rising steadily.  The king became suspicious when Thomas kept putting off his requests to see the work in progress and finally sent for Thomas. "Have you built my Palace?", he asked.

"Yes", Thomas replied.

"Then we shall go and see it now," said the King.

Thomas answered: "You can not see it now, but when you depart this life you shall see it.  I have built you a palace in heaven by giving your money to the poor and needy of your kingdom."

The King was furious and had Thomas thrown in prison. All that night he considered how he should put Thomas to death. It seems good to me, the king said, to flay him and burn him with fire. But that night the king's brother dies and sees the kings palace in heaven which has been built by Thomas' charitable work. He makes a request to return to earth. His dead body is suddenly revived; he tells his brother of the magnificent palace awaiting him in heaven. Thomas is freed from prison and the king and his brother become Christians.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Richard J. Fairchild