Luke 1:39-45 · Mary Visits Elizabeth
What Can God Do?
Luke 1:39-45
Children's Sermon
by Brett Blair

Exegetical Aim: God can do some awesome things.

Props: A Bible and photographs (or replicas) of some big things: elephant, tree, world, stars, or universe. The bigger the photo the better.

Lesson: Good morning. (response) How is everyone doing? (response) Here is a question for you this morning, and I think you know the answer to it. How big is God? (response) Tell me. Show the respective pictures: Is God bigger than an elephant? (response) Sound incredulous: How is he bigger than an elephant? (response) Is God bigger than a tree? (response) How is God bigger than a tree? (response) Is God bigger than the world? (response) How can God be bigger than the world? (response) Okay, I know this one is impossible. Is God bigger than the universe? (response) Now how can he be bigger than the stars and the whole universe? (response) But that's the biggest thing ever! How can he be bigger than the universe? (response) For a touch of humor you might add as the very last question a picture of someone famous who will create laughter.

Application: [Slowly as if you are thinking this through:] Okay. If God is bigger than an elephant and he is bigger than a tree, if he is even bigger than the world and the stars and the whole universe, then how can God be a baby and fit inside Mary's tummy? (response) Have the appropriate text marked:] It says right here in Luke chapter 1 verse 43 that Mary was the mother of our Lord. How can that be? How can God who is bigger than all things be a baby? In Mary's tummy? (response)

That's the amazing thing about God. He is so big and strong and powerful that he even can become a baby in Mary's tummy. He can do whatever he chooses. He can be bigger than the world or he can be small like when he came to earth as the baby Jesus. But the most amazing thing of all is that he became a small baby because he loved us and he wanted to be with us. God is so amazing and so good.

Let's Pray: God, we know that you are greater than all the trees and stars and things that are. And even though you are so much bigger than us, you became one of us and loved us. Amen

CSS Publishing Company, Children's Sermons A to Z, by Brett Blair