Luke 24:36-49 · Jesus Appears to the Disciples
The Miracle Of an Opened Mind
Luke 24:36-49
by Dean Lueking

Then he said to them, "These are my words which I spoke to you, while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled." Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sin should be preached in his name and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. And behold, I send the promise of my. Father upon you; but stay in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high." Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. While he blessed them, he parted from them. And they returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple blessing God. (Luke 24:44-53)

Ascension on Our Minds

The miracle of Christ’s Ascension keeps on unfolding. Not only is our Lord risen. Not only in his risen form did he appear in the presence of the disciples and eat some broiled fish with them - thus assuring them that he was not a mirage.

But also this, "... he opened their minds ..."

That is no small part of the miracle of the ascended Lord’s power, that minds once closed to Christ are opened. That is the sentence from today’s Gospel that we now come back to:

Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead."

What a Work of the Creator!

The mind is such an astounding part of our bodies. Some time ago I had an experience in this connection which I wish all of you could share. I watched a neuro-surgeon perform an operation on the brain. The patient was a young man in his early 30s, suffering from a tumor deep into the core of the brain. Step by step the preparation proceeded, until the area of the skull immediately over the diseased section was opened and laid back. Then it was visible - the brain. It is a sight to inspire awe. I mention it to you for that reason, not to make our stomach queasy at the thought. The brain is the most complex of all the things that God has created; nothing in the entire universe can match it. The brain weighs just over three pounds I am told. It can be held in one hand. Yet there are literally billions of cells and cell connections within it, imparting via chemical and electrical transmission all our thought, all our feelings, all our motives, all our drives, all our sensations. Think of it: nothing is ever said or done in all the world on any given day but that it does not first originate in a brain.

What a miracle the mind is!

Open to Christ Through the Scriptures

But more than that - what a miracle takes place when a mind is opened to the scriptures. And even more than that - what a supreme work of God it is when the mind is opened by the Lord Christ to the spiritual understanding of what he is saying to us through the Holy Scriptures.

I think of all those billions of brain cells responding to the Spirit’s mysterious drawing power. The picture in my mind is that of a gentle wind that blows across a mountain valley with countless aspen leaves responding to that invisible breath which we call wind. Yet it happens. And at a deeper level, it happens that the resurrection gospel is spoken to people now even as the announcement of the great deed was spoken to disciples whom St. Luke describes. And the mind opens!

It Comes from God’s Side

What opens the mind is not a sudden flash of intellectual genius, nor the discovery of some hidden truth that unfolds because of hard thinking from our human side. The miracle of an opened mind is that of God’s initiating.

Christ the Savior has come, has suffered, has been raised, and now rules as Lord of all. The Gospel is put upon the lips of human beings. As the news of our redemption from sin is faithfully spoken, Christ comes to his people. He opens our minds. He does so through the scripturally-formed testimony that has come down to us from the apostles whom he chose so long ago.

The Center Is Christ

This is how we are to receive the Scriptures, as witness to the grace of God in Christ Jesus. From Moses onward in the Old Testament, up through the prophets and the Psalms, the whole story of Israel’s destiny under God comes to its fulfillment in Jesus the Christ. The New Testament bears its witness, through Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and the final glimpse of the end of history in the Revelation given to St. John - all these words come to fruition in a person. Not a theory or a doctrine or even a church body. The Scriptures are fulfilled in the living, risen Christ of God! He stands at their center. The words of the Bible are all given in order to point to the living Word, our Lord Jesus himself.

When we say that God is our refuge and strength, or that God is the shepherd who leads us in paths of righteousness, we bring these familiar passages in their fulfillment in the One who speaks to us with mercy for our sins and power for renewed lives. The dark passages of the Bible which puzzle us we also bring to him who said, "I am the light ..." The judgments of God which come upon us because of our sins, altogether justified in holding us accountable for our transgressions, give way to the Gospel of Christ’s suffering for our sins. Here is the key which opens the Bible and makes it a living word - the key is the resurrected Lord.

Dividing What God Has Joined

Great harm is done when the Bible is separated from the risen Lord to whom it points.

Our time has enough sad instances of people waging bloody war in the name of the Bible. The centuries before our own tell too many similar stories of tragic misuse of the Bible. Worldwide fundamentalism is constantly making this mistake. The Bible is used to support apartheid, to condone bloody governmental coups, to pit Catholic and Protestant against each other, to justify one economic class above another. But all this happens because minds remain closed to Christ. In spite of all the pious talk about the Bible, if it is closed to Christ and his redeeming love, it is closed indeed.

Too often in our time the illusion is spread that people who quote the Bible are people of closed minds. Their prejudices stand out all over the place. A stubborn, narrow, carping, and judgmental spirit hangs like a pall over them. All this is a denial of the very heart of what the Bible proclaims. It is a caricature and we must have no part in it.

Open-minded Christians are known by humility, willingness to repent, patience with people who are at the bottom of the heap, adaptability to those who are entirely different, readiness to bear witness to Christ when asked, standing securely on the sure ground of the Gospel, acceptance of people regardless of their color, religion, economic standing, etc. In short, open-minded means Christ-minded. The Scriptures give us the framework for that gift. Does the Bible put blinders on the mind? Not when Christ is the living center of that Word! Think of Isaiah 61, and the vision of God’s reign to all corners of the earth. Or the book of Jonah with its proclamation of the universal love of God. Or the book of Job with its profound probing into the mystery of human suffering. Or the opening verses of the Gospel of John with such a breathtaking sweep of movement of the eternal God into our flesh. Or the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians with its proclamation of the supremacy of divine love in all the relationships of life. These passages and all the others which come to us in the Bible culminate in the risen Savior. This is our Ascension faith. Christ is the power to open our minds to the Easter book of our faith, and center us among the Easter people of God.

Faithful Use of the Mind

We are called to love God with our mind. That means respect for the intellect, and obedience in putting our brains to work on the hard questions that vex, challenge, and interest people in our time. The church must outthink the secular world. To do so, minds must be open and responsive as good stewards of the Creator’s gifts. Too often the church is seen otherwise, as the haven of escape from hard questions. The Gospel we proclaim, to be sure, is simple and straight-forward. It must always be powerful because it is clear, whether to a tiny child or a Nobel laureate. What is complex is the life situation to which we address the Gospel. Connecting faith and life is demanding as well as exciting. Remember that this congregation is the place where people with long-term illness come together regularly and wrestle with the hard questions of the struggle. Their minds are open to the varied ways and times of the Lord’s healing care. More recently a group of people in business life have formed another group that is addressing the demanding issues of relating faith and daily life in the marketplace. Our lawyers meet once a month to do the same. Medical professionals have been active in similar pursuits. All these and many more events in the life of the congregation tell of minds being opened to the calling of the risen Lord to follow him into the world.

Much Contested Ground

The mind is a battle ground between forces in open rebellion against God.

The whole drug culture is based upon a bid for the mind. Enormous amounts of money are paid for drugs that make people dependent upon chemical substance. After the mind expands through drug-induced sensations, there follows the crash into depression and the vacuum of demonic dependency.

The mind is assaulted by workaholism and its chain of money, power, and status as the goal of life. The mind is cluttered by an ever-increasing tide of catalogs, brochures, and every kind of junk mail that fills our mailboxes. The mind can be swallowed up by consumerism. The mind is straightjacketed by tensions and the pressures of worry about everything from nuclear holocaust to a faltering marriage or runaway children. From every side the mind is beleaguered by incessant forces which seek to own it. It’s no surprise. Once the mind is owned, all else follows.

Ascension for the Mind

In the face of all this, behold the ascended Christ! "He opened their minds ..." and he still does and he will ever do so. The most important space there is can still be found not among the far reaches of the universe, but the space between our ears. The mind belongs to God. He created it. He lifted it from the dominion of darkness when he raised his Son from death. The mind is his dwelling place in the Spirit. Let it be open to his dear Son, the living Word, whose ascension song of triumph blends into one all the varied themes of the Bible to make it our own song of salvation.

CSS Publishing Company, From Ashes to Holy Wind, by Dean Lueking