Luke 1:46-56 · Mary’s Song
Life In a Tent
Luke 1:46-56
Children's Sermon
by Shirley Jennings

Object: Masking tape to make a circle on the floor about six feet in diameter, the dimensions of a tent, called an aqal (pronounced ak-ull), and a One Great Hour of Sharing coin box.

Some children don’t have houses like ours in which to live. Do you have a living room and a kitchen in your house? Do you have bedrooms? Then you have more than one room in which to live.

Some children live in only one room. They live in a tent called an aqal in a country far away in Africa. I’ve put tape on the floor to show you how small their tents are. They don’t have a living room, a kitchen, and bedrooms, as we do. The tent is the bedroom for everyone in the family - all the children and the mother and father.

Would you [Tom], [Sue], and [Randy], please lie down inside the tape to show us that there isn’t much room in the tent for sleeping?

Sometimes the children who live in aqals don’t have enough food to eat, so they’re sick and they cry because they have tummyaches. They need both food and medicine.

I think you all received one of these boxes in your Sunday school class. By putting some money in this little box, you can help give food and medicine to some of those sick children far away in Africa. The money you give is for the One Great Hour of Sharing.

I hope you’ll bring these little boxes with money in them back to Sunday school next Sunday.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., God's Love Is For You, by Shirley Jennings