John 2:1-11
by David E. Leininger

Pastor David Leininger knows weddings can be adventures. He says he will never forget a wedding several years ago that went just beautifully until the very end of the ceremony. In that tender moment when bride and groom kissed, the bride's five-year-old brother, the ring bearer, let out with a "YUK!" The congregation was on the floor laughing. As people left that afternoon, the place glowed with everyone's grins. And in years to come, when people think of that wedding, the one thing they remember is YUK!

In a way, that is what we are confronted with in our gospel lesson. This one ALMOST became one of those weddings to remember and for a reason which would have mortified the bride and groom. They had almost run out wine.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., This Jesus is Somethiing! , by David E. Leininger