You Got Them Today Preacher!
Luke 13:1-9
by C. Robert Allred

A young and fearless preacher had a problem with a somewhat worldly parishioner who would remark sarcastically every Sunday as he shook the preacher's hand at the door, "You got them today preacher!" Sunday after Sunday this fellow never seemed to feel that he needed to repent and always felt that the sermon was for everybody else. Then one Sunday there was a bad snow storm and the preacher and this one fellow were the only ones that could show up. The preacher seized the opportunity and preacher his entire three point sermon on, "Hell, Fire, and Damnation." Well, the one congregant again walked out the door and shook the preacher's hand and said, "If they had been here today preacher, you would have gotten them real good!"

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by C. Robert Allred