You Can Be What You Make Up Your Mind To Be
Mt 13:24-30
by King Duncan

Motivational people know the power of visualization. They will tell you about a skinny, scrawny black youngster who one day heard a coach say, "You can be what you make up your mind to be. God will help you." Afterwards this youngster came up to the coach and declared, "I've decided what I want to be - the fastest man in the world." The coach said, "Son, that's a great dream but there is one problem. Dreams have a way of floating high in the sky and drifting around like clouds. A dream never becomes a reality unless you have the courage to build a ladder to your dream." He explained to the youngster that his dream would take determination, dedication and discipline. Jesse Owens listened to the words of that coach that day and was faithful to his dream, and at the 1936 Olympics in Germany he proved himself to be the fastest man in the world. He won four gold metals and embarrassed Adolph Hitler in his own hometown. A beautiful garden begins with a vision, a dream, an inner picture of what you can accomplish with God's help.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan