You Are Supposed to Love Me
Matthew 22:1-14
by King Duncan

Frederick William I ruled Prussia in the early eighteenth century. Frederick walked the streets of Berlin unattended, and when anyone displeased him, he did not hesitate to use his walking stick to thrash them. Berliners tried to keep their distance. One time, as Frederick William was pounding down the street, a citizen spied him but too late, and his attempt to slide quietly into a doorway proved a failure.

"You," called out Frederick William, "where are you going?"

"Into the house, Your Majesty," said the citizen, trembling violently.

"Into the house?" asked the emperor. "Your house?"

"No," replied the poor man.

"Why are you entering it, then," asked Frederick.

And the poor citizen, fearing he might be accused of burglary, finally decided on the truth and said, "In order to avoid you, your majesty."

Frederick William frowned, "To avoid me? Why?"

"Because I fear you, Your Majesty."

Frederick William promptly turned purple with rage and, lifting his cudgel, pounded the other's shoulder, crying, "You are not supposed to fear me. You're supposed to love me. Love me, scum, love me!"

Is that your picture of God? Is that your understanding of the Divine? Let me give you a simple pop quiz. When something bad happens in your life, something painful, do you suspect that God is secretly punishing you? When you thank God for your blessings, do you secretly cross your fingers because you know those blessings can't last? One of these days, you suspect, God is going to get you. When you pray, do you try to bargain with God for more blessings because you figure that God is really holding something back?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan