You Are Not the Only Laborer
Mark 6:1-13

I read clergy journal after clergy journal that make things sound so simple. "Do this ... preach this ... sing this ... launch this ... and you're sure to have people banging down the doors." Well, sometimes yes. Sometimes no. I've seen two identical preachers do two identical things (in what would seemingly be two identical churches), causing the doors to swing in both. But one pair of doors are swinging in, with people coming. While the other pair are swinging out, with people leaving. You can't win 'em all.

There will be times when you will fail. There will be places where you will not be welcome. There will be people who simply won't like you. So if, with the very best of intentions, you have done the very best you can do, don't keep beating up on yourself. Move on. Maybe someone else will do what you couldn't do ... reach who you couldn't reach ... finish what you couldn't finish. You're not the only laborer in the vineyard.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., The Sacrament of Failure