You Are Lazy
Matthew 25:14-30
by Brian Stoffregen

The story is told of a minister who, to show his reliance on God, entered the pulpit trusting that God would tell him what to say. After his prayer for guidance, he waited expectedly and God spoke to him "You are lazy," was the divine word addressed to him.

How much of the demise of many congregations may be due to "lazy" clergy? How much to "lazy" members? Or lack of ambition from both? Can a pious-sounding, "I'm waiting on the Lord," be a sign of laziness? "Shrinking" from work?

Perhaps Luther's "sin boldly" quote might be appropriate, which might be paraphrased, "Get off your butt and do something even if it's wrong." If it is wrong, "pray boldly" to receive God's grace even more profoundly.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Exegetical Notes, by Brian Stoffregen