You Are a Significant Person
by Charles L. Allen

Always remember that you are a significant person. I am thinking of a man that probably none of you have heard of. His name was Karl Downs. He was a Methodist preacher in Oakland, California, who died of a heart attack at an early age. Before he died, he was asked by the Juvenile Court to take responsibility for a young man who was always getting into trouble. Karl Downs accepted that responsibility, and in a very kind, loving way he became a substitute father for that boy. I say that you have never heard of Karl Downs, but you have heard of that boy. His name is Jackie Robinson. All of us who like baseball will never forget the tremendous contribution made by the first black man to ever play major league baseball. But had it not been for Karl Downs! He was a significant person. I am a significant person; you are a significant person; everybody is significant.

Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, Co., The Secret of Abundant Living, by Charles L. Allen