You've Been What? 
John 3:1-17
by Richard Lischer

In a church I served, one of the pillars of the congregation stopped by my office just before services to tell me he'd been born again.

You've been what? I asked. 

Yes, he said, last week I visited my brother-in-law's church, the Running River of Life Tabernacle, and I don't know what it was, but something happened and I'm born again.

You can't be born again, I said, you're a Lutheran. You are the chairman of the board of trustees. He was brimming with joy, but I was sulking. Why? 

Because spiritual renewal is wonderful as long as it occurs within acceptable, usually mainline, channels and does not threaten my understanding of God.

Christian Century, March 3, 1999, 245., Acknowledgment, by Richard Lischer