You’re Out!
John 2:13-22
by King Duncan

Seminary professor Tom Troeger tells about a childhood game he played when he was in grade school. The game was, "You're out! You're out! You can't come in!" The way the game was played was that half of the children would form a circle. Everyone would face outward and holding hands. The other half of the children would be outside the circle. The ones in the circle would chant, "You're out! You're out! You can't come in. You're out! You're out! You can't come in." And once they had chanted this twice, the children who were on the outside would rush as hard as they could and try to break into the circle. The ones in the circle could only hold hands, they couldn't lock arms. And the ones who were trying to break in had to get in on the first try, they couldn't keep pushing. 

You and I know about that game. We've seen it played out all our lives on both a child's level and on an adult level, and sometimes, Heaven help us, it has been played in the name of Jesus. "You're out! You're out! You can't come in!" That's a chant we've used on all kinds of people. It certainly was the chant in the days of the Civil Rights marches. But there have been other times, other places, and, my, the hurt that has been done.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations , by King Duncan