You’re Different
Mark 10:1-12
by Brett Blair

A seminary students told the story about a course he had to take with all the other beginning theologs called Supervised Ministry. It was non-credit, but still required. He was assigned community work at a Head Start center near downtown. Every Monday he would go down there and volunteer his time. All of the children, as well as the adults, were black. After he had been there for some weeks, a child was sitting in his lap one day, when suddenly she looked with amazement at his skin. She glanced at her hand, and then she glanced at his and she said: "You're different." She didn't say: "You're white." The young student said of that little girl, "I am not sure that she quite understood how I was different. The interesting thing was that she was just then noticing the difference." Children are so innocent and beautiful in that respect, and I think that Jesus must have had that in mind when he said: unless you become as a child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair