Yes We Can!
Luke 21:5-19
by Keith Wagner

Keith Wagner shares the following story:

While in college I never intended to enter the military. The war in Vietnam and the military draft changed all that. Being separated from family and putting my career on hold for 4 years was a real set back. Because of all the noise of jet aircraft I have since lost about 75% of my hearing. But, I managed to survive and looking back I am convinced that my faith got me through it. There was, however a silver lining.

Jesus told his listeners that "by their endurance they would gain their souls." In other words, their suffering, sacrifice and commitment would bring them personal reward. Five years after I was discharged from the Navy, I made the decision to enter the ministry. I had no idea how I could afford a seminary education. Thankfully, I was able to take advantage of the GI Bill and therefore have enough money to finance my three years in seminary.

Commitment does not go un-rewarded. God is always aware when we are faithful and when we are not. God sees our kindness to others, the sacrifices we make and our Christ-like attitudes. God knows there will be difficult times and difficult people. Our greatest challenge is to be faithful and God will take care of our souls. Instead of saying, "No we can't," let us say, "Yes we can!"

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Yes, You Can! , by Keith Wagner