Worship Services that Seek to Accommodate Rather than Dictate
Mark 10:35-45
by Timothy Wright

Timothy Wright, who is associate pastor at the Community Church of Joy (Lutheran) in Phoenix, Arizona, tells of "standing in the back of our sanctuary when a tall, lanky young man approached me. He was visibly shaking and appeared troubled. I anticipated an emergency counseling situation. Instead, he inquired about weddings. He asked if he could be married in our church, even though he was not a member. We talked details for a few moments, and then he said, 'Please forgive my shaking. I've never been in a church before, and I'm a little nervous.'"

Wright goes on to say: "Seekers often enter our churches feeling the same way. They do not know what to expect. They are apprehensive, if not actually frightened. I am unsure what they think will happen to them, but whatever it is, they think it could be awful. Visitor-oriented congregations take those feelings seriously and design services that put guests at ease. An informal setting encourages visitors to settle in and relax. An upbeat, celebratory climate, friendly people and enthusiastic music help guests forget their fears."

Nashville: Abingdon Press, A Community of Joy, by Timothy Wright