Worry: Hard to Let Loose
Matthew 6:24-34
by Eric Ritz

I like the story about the two mountain boys who spotted a bobcat up a tree and decided to have some fun. One said, "I'll shinny up that tree and chase him down, and you put him in a cage."

The other agreed, and the first fellow climbed up the tree. When he reached the right limb, he started shaking, and the cat came tumbling down. The other fellow grabbed the varmint by the back of the neck and tried to put him into a cage. There was a terrible commotion. Dust and fur and skin were flying in all directions. The fellow in the tree called down, "What's the matter, you need help catching a little ol' bobcat?" "No," replied his friend, "I don't need no help catchin' him, but I sure need help turnin' him a-loose."

The problem with worrying is that it is easy to do but so hard to let loose. It is a power that controls our lives.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc. , ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Eric Ritz