Word of Mouth Evangelism
by Daniel G. Mueller

Everyone knows that the best form of advertising ever invented and the one that is still most successful is word-of-mouth — people telling other people. There used to be an automobile named the Packard. Packard was the last car manufacturer to get into advertising. It didn't happen until old man Packard died, because whenever he was approached to buy some advertising for his cars he always said, "Don't need any; just ask the man who owns one." After his death, "Ask the man who owns one" became the Packard slogan.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is also known through word-of-mouth advertising. That's how the word about him gets out. Only the Shepherds at the first Christmas heard the good news from angels. Only the Wise Men were led by a Star. Just a comparative few were touched by miracles. Almost everybody came to know Jesus Christ.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., Just Follow the Signs, by Daniel G. Mueller