Why Do You Go Every Sunday?
Mark 9:2-9
by Mike Ripski

A young woman asked her older co-worker: "Why do you go to church every Sunday? Does something happen there that can't happen somewhere else? And does it happen every Sunday?"

The older woman replied, "What happens is I go to meet the God whom I've come to know in Jesus. God meets me in other settings than at church. However, I must confess that I'm sure I miss most of God's appointments with me. I find that I live most of my days in a daze – as though I'm sleepwalking or on autopilot. I go to church to be reminded that that's true."

The younger woman then asked, "So you go to church every week and God meets you there?" 

The older woman answered, "I go to church every Sunday and for reasons I can't explain, I meet God about 1 in every 8 worship services."

The younger woman asked, "Then why do you go every Sunday?" 

"I go every Sunday," said the older woman, "because I never know when that one Sunday is going to be."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., by Mike Ripski