Who You Are
John 1:29-34
by Maxie Dunnam

What you're looking for tells the story of who you are.

Jewel Crowson gave me a Nancy cartoon recently which speaks to the issue of things living up to our expectations. Nancy is out in the snow, waiting for her friend Sluggo to come. She's up to no good. She waits behind a tree getting her snowball ready, and she says, "Here he comes...I can't wait to see the look on Sluggo's face when I cream him with this snowball...I can see it now, the dazed look on his face, the snow all over his head."

She loses herself in laughter as she hides behind the tree relishing what she's going to do, laughing aloud saying, "I can't stand it, I can't stand it. This is going to be great." But while she is hidden behind the tree, lost in glee about what she's going to do, proud about her planned sneak attack, Sluggo passes by and she doesn't even know it. When she overcomes her delight with herself she looks out from behind the tree, but Sluggo is nowhere to be found. She concludes her reverie in a dismal mood saying, "The trouble with my life is that the realities never quite live up to the expectations."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam