Who Knocked Down The Wall of Jercho?
by Jef Olson

The Sunday School teacher addressed the class, "Class, who knocked down the wall of Jericho?" No one answered, so she called on Billy. "Billy, tell me who knocked down the wall of Jericho?"

"Why are you asking me? I didn't do it and I don't know who did; and besides, if I did know I don't rat on people," was his reply.

The teacher became very angry and marched Billy right out the classroom door to the Sunday School superintendent who was having a cup of coffee in the church kitchen. "Mrs. Archer, Billy refuses to tell me who broke down the wall of Jericho. I demand that he be disciplined."

The superintendent replied, "Calm down, Jenny. If something on the church grounds has been broken, its a matter for the Trustees to investigate. I think they are meeting this morning in the Wesley Room. Take the matter to them and they will take care of it."

Off to the Trustees meeting went teacher Jenny with Billy in tow. After hearing her complaint, the head of Trustees tried to soothe the by-now fuming instructor. "Jenny, its okay. I am sure the thing was about ready to fall apart anyway. Besides, there is plenty of funding available in our endowment account to replace the thing."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Value Systems, Part 2, by Jef Olson