Who Is That Guy In The Beanie?
Mark 9:2-9

Did you ever hear the story about the man named Fred Schmoltz. He had a wager with a friend that there was no one in the world who didn't know him.

First, they went down to City Hall, and the Mayor ran over to greet him. Fred's friend was not too impressed, so they went to Charleston. When they walked into the capitol building, the State Police said, "Good morning, Mr. Schmoltz. Would you like to see the Governor?" And Fred and his friend were escorted in to where Fred and the Governor exchanged small talk.

So Fred's friend, was a bit frustrated and decided to take him to Washington, D.C. They went to the White House, and right away, they were escorted in to see the President of the United States, although they certainly did not have any appointment. The President called Schmoltz by his first name.

Fred's friend was about to pay off on the wager, when suddenly he had an idea. He got on the telephone and called his travel agent. Fred asked what he was doing. His friend said, "No way. I'm not tipping you off. I will set the agenda, and you will know who we are going to see when they get there."

And they went straightaway to Dulles International Airport and boarded a transatlantic flight. When they left the plane, Fred's friend got a taxi and told the driver the destination, cupping his hand over his mouth so Fred could not hear.

When they finally arrived at the Vatican, Fred's friend told the guard that Fred Schmoltz was here to see the pope. The guard picked up the telephone and spoke a few words, replaced the receiver, and came over to the two men, saying, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting; His Holiness will see you right away."

Fred's friend was absolutely dumbfounded, but Fred only wore a small sublime smile as the two of them were escorted to the Pope's office. As it turned out, the Pope was just then getting ready to address the huge crowd down below his balcony, and invited Fred Schmoltz to join him.

Down in the throng of thousands of people below, a little Italian man looked up at the balcony and pointed, while saying to his friend, "Who's that up there?"

His friend, putting a protective hand over his eyebrows to shade the sun's glare, looked, and then turned to his friend, and said, "Gee, I don't know who the little guy in the beanie is, but the other guy is Fred Schmoltz."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations