Who Is God?
by William J. O'Malley

William J. O'Malley, in his book, Meeting the Living God, gives us some modern descriptions of God, descriptions which he terms "false gods." See if you find your understanding of God among any of these:

  • God is there when I'm in need. Otherwise, when things are going okay, he doesn't intrude on my life.
  • God is the Good Shepherd who pats our woolly heads and makes everything right again.
  • God is a judge whose sole purpose is to condemn and forgive; we do not encounter him until we die.
  • God is an infinitely distant and holy perfection. He is the reason behind things, but he is too pure to muddy himself in human life and its concerns.
  • God is the pal at my elbow who goes along with anything I chose to do.

False gods. Who is God? The Bible is very clear. God is a righteous God. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Meeting the Living God, by William J. O'Malley