Who Are You and What Have You Done?
Matthew 16:13-20
by Brett Blair

These doctors on their way to the golf course get into a car accident and they all die. They are now standing before the gates of heaven and St. Peter says to the first: "Why should I let you in?" He replies: "Look at my file! I am a research physician. I developed all kinds of procedures to prolong people's lives." St. Peter checks out the folder and says: "OK, you can come in." Then he asks the second: "Why should I let you in?" The fellow replies: Look at my file; I developed drugs, which cured arthritis, and took away much pain and suffering in people's lives." St. Peter thumbs through the folder and tells him: "OK, you're in." Then he asks the third doctor: "Why should I let you in?" The man proudly declares: "I am the man behind HMO's. Because of me thousands of folks have access to medical care that they would never have had before." St. Peter thinks about it and then says: "Ok, you can come in too...but only for three days!"

Simon identifies who Jesus is and Jesus in return gives Simon a new name and identity. He is called Petros the Rock and he is given the power to bind and loose. What we do in God's church and for God's church matters greatly. What you do with your Christian life tells them what this church is all about. If you will identify Jesus Christ in your life he will identify you and give you a new name.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair