Which Way Will You Go?
Luke 16:19-31
by James Merritt

Here is a fascinating meteorological fact. When a drop of water falls on the Continental Divide, if it falls just a little to the one side of the Divide; that drop of water will continue to go and flow on toward the West until it goes out into the Pacific Ocean.

But if that same drop of water falls and turns to the other side of the Continental Divide, it will continue to flow until it reaches the Mississippi Valley, down into the Mississippi River, down into the Gulf of Mexico, and finally out into the Atlantic Ocean.

Isn't it strange how two drops of water could seem to start so nearly in the same place, and yet actually wind up oceans apart? That is exactly the way it is with people. There are people who come from the same backgrounds, have the same opportunities, in many cases even many of the same genes and chromosomes, the same gifts and abilities, the same outlook on life, and yet when they die they will wind up literally worlds apart, never to see each other again.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by James Merritt